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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, F, H, L, O and R

DOLLARFISHdollarfish n. Peprilus triacanthus, the American butterfish.
DOLLARFISH n. any of various fishes that have a rounded compressed silvery body, esp. the moonfishes or the American butterfish.
FAROUCHELYSorry, definition not available.
FLASHBOARDflashboard n. (US) A board placed temporarily upon a milldam, to raise the water in the pond above its usual level.
FLASHBOARD n. one of a set of boards set up at the sides of a water channel to deepen it.
FLASHOVERSflashovers n. Plural of flashover.
flash␣overs n. Plural of flash over.
FLASHOVER n. an electric discharge over the surface of an insulator.
FLEAHOPPERfleahopper n. Any of several very small insects in the family Miridae that are garden or agricultural pests.
FLEAHOPPER n. any of various small jumping bugs that feed on certain plants.
FLOORHEADSfloorheads n. Plural of floorhead.
FLOORHEAD n. the upper end of a ship's floor timber.
FLOWCHARTSflowcharts n. Plural of flowchart.
flow␣charts n. Plural of flow chart.
FLOWCHART n. a chart pictorially representing the nature and sequence of operations to be carried out, e.g. in a computer program.
FORHAILINGFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FRANCOPHILFrancophil n. Alternative form of Francophile.
Francophil adj. Alternative form of Francophile.
FRANCOPHIL n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHILE.
HARBORFULSharborfuls n. Plural of harborful.
HARBORFUL n. the contents of a harbor, also HARBOURFUL.
HARBOURFULharbourful n. Alternative form of harborful.
HARBOURFUL n. the contents of a harbour, also HARBORFUL.
HYPERFOCALhyperfocal adj. (Photography) Describing the distance on which a camera must be focused in order to achieve the maximum…
HYPERFOCAL adj. referring to the minimum distance from a lens at which all objects can be focussed clearly.
LEAFHOPPERleafhopper n. Alternative spelling of leaf-hopper.
leaf-hopper n. (Zoology) Any insect of the family Cicadellidae.
leaf␣hopper n. Alternative spelling of leaf-hopper.
PHIALIFORMphialiform adj. Shaped like a phial.
PHIALIFORM adj. saucer-shaped.
SHORTFALLSshortfalls n. Plural of shortfall.
short-falls n. Plural of short-fall.
SHORTFALL n. the fact or amount of falling short.
THALLIFORMthalliform adj. Of the form of a thallus.
THALLIFORM adj. shaped like a thallus, a plant body not differentiated into leaf, stem and root.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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