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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, F, G, M, O and R

AUSFORMINGausforming v. Present participle of ausform.
AUSFORMING n. the act of deforming, quenching, and tempering a metal.
FEARMONGERfearmonger n. Someone who spreads fear, or needlessly raises the alarm.
fearmonger v. To spread fear.
fear␣monger n. Alternative spelling of fearmonger.
FERROGRAMSferrograms n. Plural of ferrogram.
FERROGRAM n. a slide prepared to illustrate the suspended iron particles in the lubricant of a machine.
FOGRAMITESFOGRAMITE n. an antiquated person or thing.
FOREARMINGforearming v. Present participle of forearm.
FOREARM v. to arm in advance.
FOREGLEAMSforegleams n. Plural of foregleam.
FOREGLEAM n. a glimpse into the future.
FORMATTINGformatting n. The visual style of a document, including fonts, borders, etc.
formatting n. The code in a markup language which determines a document’s format.
formatting v. Present participle of format.
FUMIGATORSfumigators n. Plural of fumigator.
FUMIGATOR n. one who fumigates.
FUMIGATORYfumigatory adj. Having the quality of purifying by smoke.
FUMIGATORY adj. having the quality of purifying by smoke.
GANGLIFORMgangliform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a ganglion.
GANGLIFORM adj. in the form of a ganglion, a nerve centre, a tumour in a tendon sheath.
GLANDIFORMglandiform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like, resembling, or characteristic of glands.
GLANDIFORM adj. gland-shaped; acorn-shaped.
HOMOGRAFTShomografts n. Plural of homograft.
HOMOGRAFT n. a graft from one individual to another unrelated individual of the same species.
LAGENIFORMlageniform adj. Shaped like a flask.
LAGENIFORM adj. shaped like a flask.
MEGAFLORASmegafloras n. Plural of megaflora.
MEGAFLORA n. large plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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