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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, 2F, I, R and U

AFFIXTURESaffixtures n. Plural of affixture.
AFFIXTURE n. something affixed, also AFFIXMENT.
EFFIGURATEeffigurate adj. (Botany, lichenology) Having a definite (lobed) shape; not effuse.
EFFIGURATE adj. having a definite shape.
FEBRIFUGALfebrifugal adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or preventing fever.
FEBRIFUGAL adj. having the quality of mitigating or curing fever.
GAUFFERINGgauffering v. Present participle of gauffer.
gauffering n. A gauffered ornamentation.
GAUFFERING n. make pleats with a gauffering iron, also GOFFERING.
RAGAMUFFINragamuffin n. A dirty, shabbily-clothed child; an urchin.
ragamuffin n. A breed of domestic cat which is an offshoot from the Ragdoll.
Ragamuffin n. A domestic cat of a particular heavy, muscular, short-necked breed.
RUFFIANINGruffianing v. Present participle of ruffian.
RUFFIAN v. to behave like a tough, lawless person.
RUFFIANISHruffianish adj. Having the qualities or manners of a ruffian.
RUFFIANISH adj. having the qualities of a ruffian.
RUFFIANISMruffianism n. The behaviour of a ruffian.
RUFFIANISM n. being a ruffian.
SUFFRAGISMsuffragism n. (Historical) A political movement in the late 19th century that fought for women’s right to vote in…
SUFFRAGISM n. voting rights.
SUFFRAGISTsuffragist n. A person who promotes suffrage.
suffragist n. One who votes.
SUFFRAGIST n. one who possesses or exercises the political right of suffrage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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