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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, 2F, I, O and R

AFFOORDINGaffoording v. Present participle of affoord.
AFFOORD v. (Spenser) to afford.
AFFRONTINGaffronting v. Present participle of affront.
affronting n. The offering of an affront.
AFFRONTING adj. causing affront.
AFFRONTIVEaffrontive adj. Tending to affront or offend.
AFFRONTIVE adj. tending to affront or offend.
CHROMAFFINchromaffin adj. (Cytology) Having an affinity for (and thus being stained brownish yellow) by chromium salts.
CHROMAFFIN adj. staining deeply with chromium salts.
FAIRYFLOSSfairyfloss n. Alternative spelling of fairy floss.
fairy␣floss n. (Australia) Heated sugar spun into thin threads and collected into a mass, usually on a stick.
FAIRYFLOSS n. (Australian) candyfloss.
FIREFLOATSfirefloats n. Plural of firefloat.
FIREFLOAT n. a boat or raft used in harbours for extinguishing fires.
FORFAIRINGFORFAIR v. (obsolete) to perish or decay.
FORFAITERSFORFAITER n. a person who, or company which, buys and sells debts arising from forfaiting.
FORFAITINGFORFAITING n. a method of export finance where debts on exported goods are bought and then sold on to banks etc.
NONTARIFFSSorry, definition not available.
OFFICIATORofficiator n. A person who officiates.
OFFICIATOR n. one who officiates.
PIFFERAROSpifferaros n. Plural of pifferaro.
PIFFERARO n. (Italian) a piffero player.
RAFFINOSESraffinoses n. Plural of raffinose.
RAFFINOSE n. a colorless crystalline slightly sweet substance obtained from the molasses of the sugar beet.
SAFFRONIERSAFFRONY adj. having a colour somewhat like saffron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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