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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, E, P, T, U and V

ASSUMPTIVEassumptive adj. Held as true or valid without evidence.
assumptive adj. Forward or presumptuous.
assumptive adj. (Heraldry, of arms, not comparable) Originally, being arms which a person had a right to assume, in…
COPULATIVEcopulative adj. Of or pertaining to copulation.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That acts as a copula.
copulative adj. (Grammar) That connects the subject of a clause with its complement.
DEPURATIVEdepurative adj. (Medicine) Purifying the blood or humours; depuratory.
depurative n. Any depurative remedy or agent.
depurative n. Any disease that is depurative.
IMPUTATIVEimputative adj. Of, related, or pertaining to imputation.
IMPUTATIVE adj. transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
OCCUPATIVEoccupative adj. Occupational; relating to one’s occupation or employment.
OCCUPATIVE adj. held by tenure based on occupation.
PULVINATEDpulvinated adj. Pulvinate.
PULVINATED adj. cushion-like; bulging; pillowy, also PULVINATE.
PURGATIVESpurgatives n. Plural of purgative.
PURGATIVE n. a medicine that empties the intestines.
PUTATIVELYputatively adv. According to belief.
PUTATIVE adv. supposed or reputed.
REPUTATIVEreputative adj. Reputed; putative.
REPUTATIVE adj. reputed, putative.
USURPATIVEusurpative adj. That usurps.
USURPATIVE adj. relating to usurpation.
VAPOURIESTVAPOURY adj. full of vapour; affected with the vapours, also VAPORY.
VITUPERATEvituperate v. (Transitive).
vituperate v. (Intransitive) To use abusive or harsh words.
vituperate adj. Of, characterized by, or relating to abusive or harsh criticism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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