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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2O, T and W

AUTOWORKERautoworker n. Someone who works as an assembly line worker in an automobile assembly plant.
AUTOWORKER n. a person employed in the automobile manufacturing industry.
FLOODWATERfloodwater n. The water of a flood.
flood␣water n. Alternative form of floodwater.
FLOODWATER n. the water of a flood.
HEARTWOODSheartwoods n. Plural of heartwood.
HEARTWOOD n. the inner wood of a tree, harder than the sapwood.
POWERBOATSpowerboats n. Plural of powerboat.
POWERBOAT n. a boat propelled by an inboard or outboard motor.
SAWTOOTHEDsawtoothed adj. Having sawteeth, or a similar form.
saw-toothed adj. Having a jagged edge like a saw.
SHOWBOATEDshowboated v. Simple past tense and past participle of showboat.
SHOWBOAT v. to show off.
SHOWBOATERshowboater n. One who showboats; a showoff.
SHOWBOATER n. one who behaves in an ostentatious manner to show off.
SWEATPROOFsweatproof adj. Resistant to sweat.
SWOOPSTAKEswoopstake n. Alternative form of sweepstake.
swoopstake adv. Alternative form of sweepstake.
swoopstake adv. All at once, without making distinctions.
TAEKWONDOSTAEKWONDO n. (Korean) a Korean martial art.
TAWHEOWHEOTAWHEOWHEO n. (Maori) a type of azalea found in New Zealand.
WAITERHOODwaiterhood n. The role or status of a waiter.
WAITERHOOD n. the state of being a waiter.
WATERCOLORwatercolor n. Alternative spelling of watercolour.
watercolor adj. Alternative spelling of watercolour.
WATERCOLOR n. a pigment diluted with water and gum (or other substance) instead of oil; a painting done in this, also WATERCOLOUR.
WATERFLOODwaterflood n. An inundation of water.
waterflood v. To pump water into the ground around an oil well nearing depletion in order to loosen and force out additional oil.
WATERFLOOD n. a flood of water; an inundation.
WATERPROOFwaterproof adj. Resistant to the effects of water.
waterproof adj. Made of or covered with material that doesn’t allow water in.
waterproof adj. (Figurative) Incapable of failing; unassailable.
WATERZOOISWATERZOOI n. a stew of fish or chicken and vegetables in a seasoned stock thickened with cream and egg yolks.
WOOLGATHERwoolgather v. To daydream.
wool-gather v. To daydream.
ZANTEWOODSZANTEWOOD n. the wood of the zante tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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