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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, E, N, 2T and W

DOWNSTATERdownstater n. A person from downstate; usually specifically a person from downstate New York.
DOWNSTATER n. one who lives or comes from downstate.
DOWNSTATESdownstates n. Plural of downstate.
DOWNSTATE n. the region of a State remote from large cities, a rural area.
PAWNTICKETpawnticket n. A ticket issued by a pawnbroker to the customer, by which they can later redeem the pawned article.
PAWNTICKET n. a ticket issued by a pawnbroker.
SWATTERINGswattering v. Present participle of swatter.
SWATTER v. (dialect) to splash or spill about.
SWEATPANTSsweatpants n. (US) Informal cotton trousers, with an elasticated or drawstring waist, used for exercise etc.
sweat␣pants n. Alternative spelling of sweatpants.
SWEATPANTS n. trousers of (usually thick) cotton material, with drawstring or elasticated waist and cuffs, as worn by athletes when warming up or after exercise.
WADSETTINGwadsetting v. Present participle of wadset.
wadsetting v. Present participle of wadsett.
WADSETT v. (Scots) to pawn or mortgage, also WADSET.
WAGGONETTEwaggonette n. Alternative form of wagonette.
WAGGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGONETTE.
WAGONETTESwagonettes n. Plural of wagonette.
WAGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGGONETTE.
WATERFRONTwaterfront n. The land alongside a body of water.
waterfront n. The dockland district of a town.
WATERFRONT n. land with buildings, or a section of a town fronting or abutting on a body of water.
WENTLETRAPwentletrap n. Any of numerous species of elegant, usually white, marine shells of the family Epitoniidae, especially…
WENTLETRAP n. (Dutch) any of a genus of gasteropod molluscs, having a spiral shell with many deep whorls.
WYANDOTTESwyandottes n. Plural of wyandotte.
Wyandottes n. Plural of Wyandotte.
WYANDOTTE n. (Native American) a breed of domestic fowl, of American origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 92 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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