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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, E, M, N and 2U

ARGUMENTUMargumentum n. (Chiefly formal, in law, logic, etc.) Used in numerous Latin phrases (and occasionally alone) in the…
ARGUMENTUM n. (Latin) logical argument, proof.
AUTOIMMUNEautoimmune adj. (Pathology, immunology) Of or pertaining to autoimmunity.
auto-immune adj. Describing a condition where the immune system reacts to the body itself.
AUTOIMMUNE adj. of, relating to, or caused by autoantibodies or T cells that attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them.
AUTUMNIESTAUTUMNY adj. (colloq.) autumn-like.
EQUANIMOUSequanimous adj. Calm and composed; of stable disposition.
EQUANIMOUS adj. of an even, composed frame of mind.
MANSUETUDEmansuetude n. (Archaic) Gentleness, tameness.
MANSUETUDE n. the state of being gentle, meekness, tameness.
MUTUALNESSmutualness n. The property of being mutual.
MUTUALNESS n. the state of being mutual.
NUMMULATEDnummulated adj. Resembling coins.
NUMMULATED adj. coin-shaped.
QUADRUMANEquadrumane n. (Zoology, now rare) An animal having four hands and feet with opposable digits, specifically a member…
quadrumane adj. (Zoology, now rare) Pertaining to such an animal; quadrumanous; loosely, "ape-like".
QUADRUMANE n. a former name for primates other than man, also QUADRUMAN.
SUPERHUMANsuperhuman adj. Beyond what is possible for a human being.
superhuman n. A human being with remarkable abilities or superpowers.
SUPERHUMAN adj. being above the human.
TENACULUMStenaculums n. Plural of tenaculum.
TENACULUM n. (Latin) a surgical hook or forceps.
TENTACULUMtentaculum n. (Zoology) A tentacle.
tentaculum n. (Anatomy) One of the stiff hairs situated around the mouth, or on the face, of many animals, and supposed…
tentaculum n. Tentacle.
UNAMUSABLEunamusable adj. Not amusable.
UNAMUSABLE adj. not able to be amused.
UNARMOUREDunarmoured adj. Without armour. Often used to describe people, things, or situations where armour would normally be encountered.
UNARMOURED adj. not armoured, also UNARMORED.
UNHUMANISEunhumanise v. Alternative form of unhumanize.
UNHUMANISE v. to render inhuman or barbarous, also UNHUMANIZE.
UNHUMANIZEunhumanize v. (Transitive) To strip of humanity; to dehumanize.
UNHUMANIZE v. to render inhuman or barbarous, also UNHUMANISE.
UNMEASUREDunmeasured adj. Not having been measured.
unmeasured adj. Beyond measure; vast; measureless.
UNMEASURED adj. not limited or known by measurement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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