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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, E, L, 2M and U

COMMUTABLEcommutable adj. Capable of being commuted.
COMMUTABLE adj. able to be commuted.
DUMMELHEADDUMMELHEAD n. (dialect) a stupid person.
EMPLASTRUMEMPLASTRUM n. a medicated plaster, also EMPLASTRON.
IMMACULATEimmaculate adj. Absolutely tidy, having no blemish or stain.
immaculate adj. (Zoology) (botany) Lacking blotches, spots, or other markings.
immaculate adj. (Figurative) containing no mistakes.
IMMATURELYimmaturely adv. Giving an appearance of immaturity.
immaturely adv. Without maturity.
IMMATURE adv. not mature.
MALLEMUCKSmallemucks n. Plural of mallemuck.
MALLEMUCK n. (Dutch) the albatross, also MOLLYMAWK.
MAUSOLEUMSmausoleums n. Plural of mausoleum.
MAUSOLEUM n. (Latin) a large, stately tomb.
MONUMENTALmonumental adj. In the manner of a monument.
monumental adj. Large, grand and imposing.
monumental adj. Taking a great amount of time and effort to complete.
MULTIARMEDmultiarmed adj. Having several arms or projections.
multi-armed adj. Alternative form of multiarmed.
MULTIARMED adj. having many arms.
MULTIMEDIAmultimedia n. The combined use of sound, video, and text to present an idea.
multimedia adj. Of, or relating to this combined use of media.
multimedia adj. (Computing) of, or relating to an application that can combine such media into an integrated package.
NEURILEMMAneurilemma n. The outer membranous covering of a nerve fiber.
NEURILEMMA n. the delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber, also NEUROLEMMA.
NEUROLEMMAneurolemma n. (Neurology) the outermost nucleated cytoplasmic layer of Schwann cells that surrounds the axon of the neuron.
NEUROLEMMA n. the delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber, also NEURILEMMA.
NUMMULATEDnummulated adj. Resembling coins.
NUMMULATED adj. coin-shaped.
SOMNAMBULEsomnambule n. (Archaic) A somnambulist.
SOMNAMBULE n. a sleepwalker, also SOMNAMBULIST.
SUMMONABLEsummonable adj. Able to be summoned.
summonable n. (Gaming) A creature that may be summoned into existence.
SUMMONABLE adj. that can be summoned.
UNDIMMABLEundimmable adj. Not capable of being dimmed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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