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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, E, K, L, O and P

ALPENSTOCKalpenstock n. A stout adjustable walking stick with a metal point, used by mountain climbers and walkers in hilly or uneven terrain.
ALPENSTOCK n. (German) a long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps.
BOOKPLATESbookplates n. Plural of bookplate.
BOOKPLATE n. a label usually pasted inside the cover of a book, bearing the owner's name or other distinguishing information.
DIPLOSPEAKdiplospeak n. Diplomatic language; The careful use of euphemism and noncontroversial language to obscure points that…
diplo-speak n. Alternative form of diplospeak.
DIPLOSPEAK n. the polite and placatory language usually associated with diplomats.
GOALKEEPERgoalkeeper n. (Sports) A designated player that attempts to prevent the opposing team from scoring by protecting a goal.
goal␣keeper n. Alternative form of goalkeeper.
GOALKEEPER n. a player who defends the goal in any of various games (as hockey, lacrosse, or soccer).
JACKALOPESjackalopes n. Plural of jackalope.
JACKALOPE n. a mythical animal that is reported chiefly from the western US and is reputed to be the size of a small deer and to have the body of a jackrabbit and the horns of an antelope.
KILOPARSECkiloparsec n. (Astronomy) A unit of distance equal to one thousand parsecs.
KILOPARSEC n. a unit of astronomical distance, 1000 parsecs.
KLEPTOCRATkleptocrat n. A ruling figure in a kleptocracy.
LEUKOPENIAleukopenia n. (Medicine) An abnormally low count of leukocytes, or white blood cells, in the blood.
LEUKOPENIA n. an abnormally low white blood count, also LEUCOPENIA.
OUTSPARKLEoutsparkle v. To exceed in sparkling.
OUTSPARKLE v. to exceed in sparkling.
POCKETABLEpocketable adj. Able to be put in one’s pocket.
POCKETABLE adj. that can be pocketed.
POKELOGANSpokelogans n. Plural of pokelogan.
POKELOGAN n. (Canadian) a bogan, a quiet tributary or backwater.
POLLTAKERSPOLLTAKER n. a person conducting a poll.
PROVOKABLEprovokable adj. That may be provoked.
PROVOKABLE adj. that can be provoked, also PROVOCABLE.
ROPEWALKERropewalker n. An acrobat who performs a tightrope dance; a ropedancer.
ROPEWALKER n. a ropedancer.
SHOPWALKERshopwalker n. (Britain) Alternative form of shop-walker.
shop-walker n. (Britain) A retail store floor supervisor.
SHOPWALKER n. a person employed by a departmental store to supervise sales personnel, assist customers, etc.
SOAPFLAKESsoapflakes n. Plural of soapflake.
SOAPFLAKES n. small particles of solid soap or detergent used for washing clothes.
STROKEPLAYstrokeplay n. Alternative form of stroke play.
stroke␣play n. (Golf) A scoring system in which points are awarded based on the number of strokes used to sink the…
stroke␣play n. (Cricket) Batting, especially excellent batting.
WORKPLACESworkplaces n. Plural of workplace.
work-places n. Plural of work-place.
WORKPLACE n. a place of work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 153 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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