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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, E, H, 2M and P

AMPHIMACERamphimacer n. A metrical foot consisting of an unaccented syllable between two accented syllables; a cretic.
AMPHIMACER n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one short and the others long, as in 'castitas'.
AMPHIMIXESamphimixes n. Plural of amphimixis.
AMPHIMIXIS n. interbreeding; intermixing of two individuals' genetic matter.
EMPHYSEMASemphysemas n. Plural of emphysema.
EMPHYSEMA n. a swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue.
HAEMOLYMPHhaemolymph n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemolymph.
HAEMOLYMPH n. the bloodlike fluid of invertebrates, also HEMOLYMPH.
HAMMERKOPShammerkops n. Plural of hammerkop.
HAMMERKOP n. (South African) a bird of the heron family.
LYMPHEDEMAlymphedema n. (Medicine) The swelling of tissue due to retention of fluid in the lymph vessels.
MIMEOGRAPHmimeograph n. (Historical) A machine for making printed copies using typed stencil, eventually superseded by photocopying.
mimeograph v. To make mimeograph copies.
MIMEOGRAPH n. (tradename) an autographic stencil copying device invented by Edison.
NYMPHAEUMSnymphaeums n. Plural of nymphaeum.
NYMPHAEUM n. a temple for nymphs.
TRIPHAMMERtriphammer n. Alternative spelling of trip hammer.
trip␣hammer n. A powered machine used in a forge which repeatedly strikes work placed on an anvil.
TRIPHAMMER n. a power hammer that is raised or tilted by a cam and allowed to fall under gravity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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