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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2F, I and L

AFFILIABLEaffiliable adj. Capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.
AFFILIABLE adj. capable of being affiliated to or on, or connected with in origin.
AFFILIATEDaffiliated adj. Associated, related, or united; subject to a particular affiliation.
affiliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of affiliate.
AFFILIATE v. to adopt or attach as a member or branch.
AFFILIATESaffiliates n. Plural of affiliate.
AFFILIATE v. to adopt or attach as a member or branch.
AFFIRMABLEaffirmable adj. Able to be affirmed.
AFFIRMABLE adj. that can be affirmed.
AFFLICTERSafflicters n. Plural of afflicter.
AFFLICTER n. one who afflicts.
AFFLICTIVEafflictive adj. That causes physical or mental pain.
AFFLICTIVE adj. causing distress.
AFTERLIFESafterlifes n. (Rare, proscribed) plural of afterlife.
AFTERLIFE n. life after death.
FACELIFTEDfacelifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of facelift.
FACELIFT v. to perform plastic surgery on the face.
FALLFISHESfallfishes n. Plural of fallfish.
FALLFISH n. a freshwater fish of the United States.
FALSIFIERSfalsifiers n. Plural of falsifier.
FALSIFIER n. one who falsifies.
FEBRIFUGALfebrifugal adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or preventing fever.
FEBRIFUGAL adj. having the quality of mitigating or curing fever.
FIELDCRAFTfieldcraft n. (Military) The basic military skills required to operate in the field, such as stealth, camouflage, and observation.
FIELDCRAFT n. the knowledge and skill needed to live in the wild.
FIELDFARESfieldfares n. Plural of fieldfare.
FIELDFARE n. a species of thrush, having a reddish-yellow throat and breast spotted with black.
FIREFLOATSfirefloats n. Plural of firefloat.
FIREFLOAT n. a boat or raft used in harbours for extinguishing fires.
FLAFFERINGFLAFFER v. (Scots) to flutter, also FLACKER.
FLATFISHESflatfishes n. Plural of flatfish.
FLATFISH n. a marine fish that habitually lies on its side.
INSUFFLATEinsufflate v. (Transitive) To breathe or blow into or on.
insufflate v. (Transitive, medicine) To treat by blowing a gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity.
insufflate v. (Transitive, medicine) To inhale (A powder etc.).
RAFFLESIASrafflesias n. Plural of rafflesia.
RAFFLESIA n. any of various stemless leafless parasitic plants, native to Java and Sumatra.
TARIFFLESStariffless adj. Without a tariff.
TARIFFLESS adj. without a tariff.
YAFFINGALEyaffingale n. (Archaic) the European green woodpecker, Picus viridis.
YAFFINGALE n. the yaffle or green woodpecker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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