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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, 2G and L

BARELEGGEDbarelegged adj. Having uncovered legs.
barelegged adv. With uncovered legs.
BARELEGGED adj. having the legs bare.
BEDRAGGLEDbedraggled adj. Wet and limp; unkempt.
bedraggled adj. Decaying, decrepit or dilapidated.
bedraggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedraggle.
BEDRAGGLESbedraggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bedraggle.
BEDRAGGLE v. to soil by dragging in the wet or dirt, also BEDAGGLE.
BEGGARLIERbeggarlier adj. Comparative form of beggarly: more beggarly.
BEGGARLY adj. like a beggar, very poor.
DAGGERLIKEdaggerlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a dagger.
DAGGERLIKE adj. like a dagger.
DELEGATINGdelegating v. Present participle of delegate.
DELEGATE v. to appoint as one's representative.
GALENGALESGALENGALE n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALANGAL, GALINGALE.
GALIONGEESgaliongees n. Plural of galiongee.
GALIONGEE n. (Turkish) a Turkish sailor.
GATELEGGEDSorry, definition not available.
GENEALOGICgenealogic adj. Archaic form of genealogical.
GENEALOGIC adj. relating to genealogy, also GENEALOGICAL.
GOOGLEABLEgoogleable adj. (Informal) Able to be searched for or found using Google or another similar internet search engine.
Googleable adj. Alternative spelling of googleable.
LEAGUERINGleaguering v. Present participle of leaguer.
LEAGUER v. to besiege.
LEVERAGINGleveraging v. Present participle of leverage.
LEVERAGE v. to provide with a type of economic advantage.
LIGHTERAGElighterage n. The fee paid for conveyance of goods on a lighter.
lighterage n. The act of unloading into a lighter, or of conveying by a lighter.
LIGHTERAGE n. a fee for carrying cargo by lighter.
LOGGERHEADloggerhead n. (Obsolete) A stupid person; a blockhead, a dolt.
loggerhead n. A metal tool consisting of a long rod with a bulbous end that is made hot in a fire, then plunged into…
loggerhead n. (Nautical) A post on a whaling boat used to secure the harpoon rope.
REGELATINGregelating v. Present participle of regelate.
REGELATE v. to refreeze ice by reducing the pressure.
RELEGATINGrelegating v. Present participle of relegate.
RELEGATE v. to remove, usually to an inferior position.
SEGREGABLEsegregable adj. Capable of being segregated.
SEGREGABLE adj. that can be segregated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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