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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 3E, H and M

EMBREATHEDembreathed v. Simple past tense and past participle of embreathe.
EMBREATHE v. (archaic) to breathe into.
EMBREATHESembreathes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embreathe.
EMBREATHE v. (archaic) to breathe into.
EMPLEACHEDempleached v. Simple past tense and past participle of empleach.
EMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also IMPLEACH.
EMPLEACHESempleaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of empleach.
EMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also IMPLEACH.
EPHEMERALSephemerals n. Plural of ephemeral.
EPHEMERAL n. a creature, such as a mayfly, that lives for one day only.
HEMATOCELEhematocele n. (Pathology) A swelling caused by the collection of blood in a cavity, especially of the membrane covering a testicle.
HEMATOCELE n. a cavity containing blood, also HAEMATOCELE.
HEPTAMETERheptameter n. A line or verse containing seven metrical feet.
HEPTAMETER n. a verse line of seven feet.
HEXAEMERICHEXAEMERIC adj. relating to a hexaemeron, the biblical six days of creation, also HEXAHEMERIC.
HEXAEMERONhexaemeron n. Alternative form of hexameron.
HEXAEMERON n. the (biblical) six days of creation, also HEXAHEMERON.
HEXAMETERShexameters n. Plural of hexameter.
HEXAMETER n. a verse line of six feet.
LEATHERMENleathermen n. Plural of leatherman.
MEGATHERESmegatheres n. Plural of megathere.
MEGATHERE n. any of various gigantic extinct American sloths.
METATHESESmetatheses n. Plural of metathesis.
METATHESIS n. the transposition within a word of letters, sounds, or syllables, as in the change from Old English brid to modern English bird or in the confusion of modren for modern.
MUJAHEDEENmujahedeen n. Alternative spelling of mujahideen.
MUJAHEDEEN n. (Arabic) Islamic fundamentalist freedom fighters, also MOJAHEDIN, MUJAHEDDIN, MUJAHEDIN, MUJAHIDEEN, MUJAHIDIN.
REEMPHASESreemphases n. Plural of reemphasis.
REEMPHASIS n. emphasis again.
REHAMMEREDrehammered v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehammer.
REHAMMER v. to hammer again.
SEEMLIHEADseemlihead n. (Archaic) The condition of being seemly; seemliness.
SEEMLIHEAD n. (obsolete) seemliness, also SEEMLIHED, SEEMLYHED.
WEATHERMENweathermen n. Plural of weatherman.
Weathermen n. Plural of Weatherman.
WEATHERMAN n. one who reports and forecasts the weather.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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