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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, D, L, O, U and Y

ADACTYLOUSadactylous adj. Without fingers or without toes.
adactylous adj. Without claws on the feet (of crustaceous animals).
ADACTYLOUS adj. lacking fingers or claws.
ANEUPLOIDYaneuploidy n. (Genetics) The condition of being aneuploid; the state of possessing a chromosome number that is not…
ANEUPLOIDY n. the condition of being aneuploid, having missing or extra chromosomes.
AUDITORILYauditorily adv. With regard to hearing.
AUDITORY adv. related to hearing.
DOULOCRACYdoulocracy n. Alternative form of dulocracy.
DOULOCRACY n. a government formed of privileged slaves, also DULOCRACY.
EDACIOUSLYedaciously adv. In an edacious manner.
EDACIOUS adv. voracious, devouring.
LABOUREDLYlabouredly adv. Alternative spelling of laboredly.
LABOURED adv. LABOUR, to work, also LABOR.
MODULARITYmodularity n. The property of being modular.
MODULARITY n. the state of being modular.
MODULATORYmodulatory adj. Of or pertaining to modulation.
MODULATORY adj. relating to modulation.
OBDURATELYobdurately adv. In an obdurate manner; stubbornly, intractably or inflexibly.
OBDURATE adv. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.
OUTDATEDLYoutdatedly adv. In an outdated manner.
OUTDATED adv. OUTDATE, to make out-of-date.
PLAUDITORYplauditory adj. Applauding; commending.
PLAUDITORY adj. issuing enthusiastic approval or applause.
PLAYDOUGHSplaydoughs n. Plural of playdough.
PLAYDOUGH n. a soft reusable modelling material for young children.
PLAYGROUNDplayground n. (Outdoors) A large open space for children to play on, usually having dedicated play equipment (such…
playground n. (Figuratively) Any physical or metaphysical space in which a person or organization has free rein to…
PLAYGROUND n. a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation esp. by children.
ROUNDELAYSroundelays n. Plural of roundelay.
ROUNDELAY n. a song with a refrain.
UNDULATORYundulatory adj. That undulates, or that causes undulations.
UNDULATORY adj. moving in the manner of undulations, or waves.
UNTOWARDLYuntowardly adv. In an untoward way.
untowardly adj. Untoward.
UNTOWARD adv. not appropriate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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