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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, D, G, M, N and P

CAMPAIGNEDcampaigned v. Simple past tense and past participle of campaign.
CAMPAIGN v. to conduct an operation to achieve a certain goal.
CAMPGROUNDcampground n. An area where tents are pitched.
campground n. An area where a camp meeting (a retreat) is held.
CAMPGROUND n. the area or place (as a field or grove) used for a camp.
COMPANDINGcompanding n. (Electronics) A process in which noise in a signal is reduced by selective compression and expansion.
COMPAND v. to put a signal through a compander (a system of clarifying sound).
DIPLOMAINGDIPLOMA v. to confer an honour or privilege upon.
IMPLEADINGimpleading v. Present participle of implead.
IMPLEAD v. to sue in a court of law.
IMPOUNDAGEimpoundage n. The act of impounding.
impoundage n. The fee or fine for impounding.
IMPOUNDAGE n. the act of impounding.
MEGAPHONEDmegaphoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of megaphone.
MEGAPHONE v. to magnify sound.
MUDCAPPINGmudcapping v. Present participle of mudcap.
MUDCAPPING n. the act of covering an explosive with mud before detonating.
PYRAMIDINGpyramiding n. The practice of an athlete progressively increasing the dosage of an illicit drug to a maximum, and…
pyramiding n. A shell deformity in captive turtles, leading to a pyramid shape underlying each scute.
pyramiding n. A form of tax evasion in which an employer that withholds payroll taxes from employees intentionally…
STAMPEDINGstampeding v. Present participle of stampede.
STAMPEDE v. to send rushing in panic, also STAMPEDO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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