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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, D, F, 2L and N

DOWNFALLENdownfallen adj. Fallen down.
downfallen adj. (Figurative) Having undergone a defeat, or been ousted from a position of authority.
downfallen adj. Crestfallen, depressed, down in the dumps.
FLANNELLEDflannelled adj. Wearing clothes made of flannel; especially wearing cricket whites.
FLANNEL v. to cover with a soft fabric.
FLATLANDERflatlander n. (Chiefly derogatory) A person who lives at, lived at, or was raised by someone at a low altitude or…
flatlander n. (Physics) An inhabitant of or observer in a universe with two spatial dimensions.
flatlander n. (Cycling) A flatland BMX rider.
FLOODPLAINfloodplain n. (Geography) An alluvial plain adjacent to a river formed by flooding during periods of high rain.
flood␣plain n. Alternative spelling of floodplain.
FLOODPLAIN n. an area bordering a stream over which water spreads when the stream tops its channel banks.
INFLATEDLYinflatedly adv. In an inflated manner.
INFLATED adv. INFLATE, to expand with air or gas.
LANDFILLEDlandfilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of landfill.
LANDFILL v. to dispose waste into landfill.
MANIFOLDLYmanifoldly adv. In a manifold manner.
MANIFOLD adv. many in number, also MANYFOLD.
OLDFANGLEDoldfangled adj. Old-fashioned.
old-fangled adj. Alternative spelling of oldfangled.
OLDFANGLED adj. old-fashioned.
SILDENAFILsildenafil n. (Pharmacology) A drug that is used in the form of its citrate C22H30N6O4S·C6H8O7 to treat erectile dysfunction…
SILDENAFIL n. a drug used to enhance erectile function.
WINDFALLENwindfallen adj. Blown down by the wind.
WINDFALLEN adj. blown down by the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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