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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, D, E, R, V and W

AARDWOLVESaardwolves n. Plural of aardwolf.
aard-wolves n. Plural of aard-wolf.
AARDWOLF n. (South African) a hyena-like African mammal, aka earthwolf.
DISAVOWERSdisavowers n. Plural of disavower.
DISAVOWER n. one who disavows.
DRAWKNIVESdrawknives n. Plural of drawknife.
DRAWKNIFE n. a carpentry tool, also DRAWSHAVE.
DRAWSHAVESdrawshaves n. Plural of drawshave.
DRAWSHAVE n. a carpentry tool, also DRAWKNIFE.
HEAVENWARDheavenward adv. Toward heaven.
heavenward adv. Toward the heavens, skyward.
heavenward adj. Which leads toward heaven.
MICROWAVEDmicrowaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of microwave.
MICROWAVE v. to cook by microwave.
OVERCRAWEDOVERCRAW v. (Spenser) to triumph over, also OVERCROW.
OVERDRAWERoverdrawer n. (Economics) A person who overdraws, or has an overdraft.
OVERSHADOWovershadow v. (Transitive) To obscure something by casting a shadow.
overshadow v. (Transitive) To dominate something and make it seem insignificant.
overshadow v. (Transitive) To shelter or protect.
OVERSWAYEDoverswayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of oversway.
OVERSWAY v. to bear down.
OVERWARMEDoverwarmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overwarm.
OVERWARM v. to warm too much.
RIVERWARDSriverwards adv. Synonym of riverward.
RIVERWARDS adv. towards a river, also RIVERWARD.
SHORTWAVEDSHORTWAVE v. to broadcast on shortwave.
WALDGRAVESwaldgraves n. Plural of waldgrave.
WALDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WILDGRAVE.
WATERDRIVEWATERDRIVE n. the use of water pressure to drive things.
WEAVERBIRDweaverbird n. Any of various Old World passerine birds in either of two families known for building nests of intricately…
WEAVERBIRD n. a weaver finch.
WILDGRAVESwildgraves n. Plural of wildgrave.
WILDGRAVE n. (German) a former German title of count; a head forest ranger, also WALDGRAVE.
WOODCARVERwoodcarver n. A person who is skilled at woodcarving.
WOODCARVER n. a craftsman who carves wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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