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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, 3O and R

CLOAKROOMScloakrooms n. Plural of cloakroom.
cloak␣rooms n. Plural of cloak room.
CLOAKROOM n. a room in which coats etc. are stored.
COACHROOFScoachroofs n. Plural of coachroof.
coach␣roofs n. Plural of coach roof.
COACHROOF n. (Canadian) a raised part of the cabin roof of a yacht.
COLORATIONcoloration n. The act or art of coloring.
coloration n. The quality of being colored.
coloration n. (Music) A notational device for indicating hemiola through either use of red ink (in mensural black…
COMPOTATORcompotator n. One who drinks (alcoholic beverages) with another; a fellow drinker.
COMPOTATOR n. one who drinks with another.
CONVOCATORCONVOCATOR n. one who holds a convocation.
COOPERATORcooperator n. One who cooperates; an associate.
coöperator n. Alternative spelling of cooperator.
co-operator n. Alternative spelling of cooperator.
CORALROOTScoralroots n. Plural of coralroot.
CORALROOT n. a kind of orchid.
CORONATIONcoronation n. The act or solemnity of crowning a sovereign; the act of investing a prince with the insignia of royalty…
coronation n. (Figuratively) A success in the face of little or no opposition.
Coronation prop.n. A town in Alberta, Canada.
COROTATIONcorotation n. Rotation in conjunction with another body.
COROTATION n. the act of rotating in conjunction with another body.
CORPORATORcorporator n. (Dated) A member of a corporation, especially one of the original members.
CORPORATOR n. a member of a corporation, esp. one of the original members.
GEOCORONAEGEOCORONA n. an outer layer of the earth's atmosphere.
GEOCORONASgeocoronas n. Plural of geocorona.
GEOCORONA n. an outer layer of the earth's atmosphere.
MOTORCOACHmotorcoach n. A motorised bus, or coach.
motorcoach n. Alternative form of motor coach (a rail vehicle).
motor-coach n. (Rail transport) Alternative form of motor coach.
OROLOGICALorological adj. (Obsolete, rare) Of or pertaining to orology.
OROLOGICAL adj. of or pertaining to orology.
PROVOCATORprovocator n. One who engages in provocation.
PROVOCATOR n. one who provokes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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