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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, C, M, P and 2T

ACCOMPTANTaccomptant n. (Obsolete) An accountant.
ACCOMPTANT n. an accountant, also ACCOUNTANT.
ASYMPTOTICasymptotic adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to values or properties approached at infinity.
asymptotic adj. (Mathematical analysis) Coming into consideration as a variable tends to a limit, usually infinity.
ASYMPTOTIC adj. of a line, approaching a curve but meeting it only at infinity, also ASYMPTOTICAL.
COMPACTESTcompactest adj. Superlative form of compact: most compact.
COMPACT adj. closely fitted together.
COMPATRIOTcompatriot n. Somebody from one’s own country.
compatriot adj. Of the same country; having a common sentiment of patriotism.
COMPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COPATRIOT.
COMPOTATORcompotator n. One who drinks (alcoholic beverages) with another; a fellow drinker.
COMPOTATOR n. one who drinks with another.
COMPUTANTScomputants n. Plural of computant.
COMPUTANT n. a person who calculates.
COMPUTATORcomputator n. (Archaic) A person who performs computations.
computator n. (Archaic) A mechanical device that performs computation.
computator n. (Humorous) Synonym of computer (“electronic device”) (Can we add an example for this sense?).
EMPATHETICempathetic adj. Showing empathy for others, and recognizing their feelings; empathic.
EMPATHETIC adj. involving or showing empathy, also EMPATHIC.
IMPACTITESimpactites n. Plural of impactite.
IMPACTITE n. a rock, typically glassy, produced where a meteor has collided with the earth.
METALEPTICmetaleptic adj. Of or pertaining to metalepsis.
METALEPTIC adj. of or pertaining to a metalepsis, also METALEPTICAL.
PEGMATITICpegmatitic adj. Containing or characteristic of pegmatite.
PEGMATITIC adj. having the texture of a pegmatite.
PENTATOMICpentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five atoms in each molecule.
pentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.
PENTATOMIC adj. having five atoms in the molecule.
POSTATOMICpostatomic adj. After the discovery or use of the atomic bomb.
POSTATOMIC adj. taking place after the atomic era.
POSTIMPACTpostimpact adj. After an impact.
POSTIMPACT adj. after an impact.
TYMPANITICtympanitic adj. (Medicine) Of, pertaining to, or affected with, tympanites.
TYMPANITIC adj. pertaining to, or affected with, tympanites.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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