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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2M, N and T

AMERCEMENTamercement n. (Law) A non-statutory monetary penalty or forfeiture, usually applied at the discretion of a court.
AMERCEMENT n. the infliction of a fine, also AMERCIAMENT.
COMMANDANTcommandant n. A commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division.
Commandant n. (South Africa, military, historical) Title for the officer in charge of a commando or district.
COMMANDANT n. a commanding officer.
COMMENTARYcommentary n. A series of comments or annotations; especially, a book of explanations or expositions on the whole…
commentary n. (Usually in the plural) A brief account of transactions or events written hastily, as if for a memorandum.
commentary n. An oral relation of an event, especially broadcast by television or radio, as it occurs.
COMMENTATEcommentate v. (Intransitive) To provide a commentary; to act as a commentator; to maintain a stream of comments about some event.
COMMENTATE v. to give a commentary on.
COMMINATEDcomminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
COMMINATEScomminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
COMMONALTYcommonalty n. The common people; the commonality.
commonalty n. A group of things having similar characteristics. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage…
commonalty n. A class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank; commoners.
COMMORANTScommorants n. Plural of commorant.
COMMORANT n. a resident, esp. at a university.
CONSUMMATEconsummate adj. Complete in every detail, perfect, absolute.
consummate adj. Supremely skilled and experienced; highly accomplished; fully qualified.
consummate v. (Transitive) To bring (A task, project, goal etc.) to completion; to accomplish.
DECAMPMENTdecampment n. The act of decamping.
decampment n. A prompt departure.
DECAMPMENT n. departure from a camp; a marching off.
ENCAMPMENTencampment n. A campsite.
encampment n. A group of temporary living quarters and/or other temporary structures.
Encampment prop.n. (Astronomy) a Chinese constellation located near Pegasus, one of the 28 lunar mansions and part of the…
IMMITTANCEimmittance n. (Physics, electronics) Either the impedance or the admittance of an electrical network, considered as alternatives.
IMMITTANCE n. the act of immitting, inserting.
MANOMETRICmanometric adj. Of or pertaining to manometry, or measured using a manometer.
MANOMETRIC adj. relating to manometry, the measurement of the pressure of fluids, also MANOMETRICAL.
MATRONYMICmatronymic adj. Of, relating to, or derived from the given name of one’s mother.
matronymic adj. By extension; of, relating to, or derived from the given name of a female ancestor.
matronymic n. A surname or byname acquired from the given name of one’s mother.
MEDICAMENTmedicament n. A medicine, medication or drug.
MEDICAMENT n. an externally applied curative treatment.
MEDICAMENT v. to treat with a medicament.
MINCEMEATSmincemeats n. Plural of mincemeat.
MINCEMEAT n. a mixture of dried fruit, spices, etc., used esp. for filling pies; minced meat.
MONOATOMICmonoatomic adj. Alternative form of monatomic.
MONOATOMIC adj. of a molecule, consisting of one atom only, also MONATOMIC.
NUMISMATICnumismatic adj. Of or pertaining to currency, especially to coins.
numismatic adj. Of or pertaining to numismatics.
NUMISMATIC adj. relating to numismatics, the study of coins.
PANTOMIMICpantomimic adj. Of or relating to pantomime.
PANTOMIMIC adj. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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