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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, C, L, P, U and Y

CAPITULARYcapitulary n. A member of an ecclesiastical chapter.
capitulary n. A set of decrees, especially those made by the Frankish kings.
capitulary adj. Of or related to a chapter, in its various senses.
CAPTIOUSLYcaptiously adv. In a captious manner.
CAPTIOUS adv. tending to find fault.
COPULATORYcopulatory adj. Pertaining to copulation.
COPULATORY adj. relating to copulation.
EUCALYPTOLeucalyptol n. (Organic chemistry) A polycyclic monoterpenoid ether, obtained from eucalyptus oil, used in perfumery…
EUCALYPTOL n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOLE.
EUCALYPTUSeucalyptus n. Any of many trees, of genus Eucalyptus, native mainly to Australia.
eucalyptus n. A greenish colour, like that of a eucalyptus leaves.
Eucalyptus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myrtaceae – a group of trees native to and widespread in Australia…
INCULPABLYinculpably adv. In an inculpable way; blamelessly.
INCULPABLE adv. blameless.
PEACEFULLYpeacefully adv. In a peaceful manner.
PEACEFUL adv. undisturbed, calm.
PECULIARLYpeculiarly adv. Such as to be greater than usual; particularly; exceptionally.
peculiarly adv. Such as to be strange or odd.
peculiarly adv. Strongly associated with; in a manner that is peculiar or restricted to some person or place.
PELYCOSAURpelycosaur n. Any of a group of basal or primitive Late Paleozoic synapsid amniotes, part of a polyphyletic grade…
PELYCOSAUR n. a kind of dinosaur.
PLUTOCRACYplutocracy n. Government by the wealthy.
plutocracy n. A controlling class of the wealthy.
PLUTOCRACY n. rulership by the wealthy.
POSTULANCYpostulancy n. The role or status of a postulant.
POSTULANCY n. the state or period of being a postulant.
PUBLICALLYpublically adv. Rare spelling of publicly.
PUBLIC adv. open to general view.
PUNCTUALLYpunctually adv. In a punctual manner; on time.
punctually adv. (Archaic) Precisely; exactly; minutely.
PUNCTUAL adv. being on time.
SPACIOUSLYspaciously adv. In a spacious manner.
SPACIOUS adv. ample in extent.
SPECULARLYspecularly adv. In a specular manner (in the manner of a mirror).
SPECULAR adv. relating to a speculum.
SUBTYPICALsubtypical adj. Relating to a subtype.
subtypical adj. (Zoology) Deviating somewhat from the type of a species, genus, or other group; slightly aberrant.
SUBTYPICAL adj. relating to a subtype.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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