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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2L, O and V

CLOVERLEAFcloverleaf adj. In the form of the leaf of a clover plant; cloverleafed.
cloverleaf n. (With plural cloverleaves) The leaf of a clover plant.
cloverleaf n. (US) (with plural cloverleafs or cloverleaves) A cloverleaf interchange.
COVALENTLYcovalently adv. Using covalent bonds.
COVALENT adv. sharing electron pairs.
COVERALLEDcoveralled adj. Wearing a coverall.
COVERALLED adj. wearing a coverall.
INVOLUCRALinvolucral adj. Pertaining to, possessing, or like, an involucrum.
INVOLUCRAL adj. pertaining to, possessing, or like, an involucrum.
MULTIVOCALmultivocal adj. Having many different interpretations, meanings, or values.
MULTIVOCAL n. a word with many meanings.
OVERCALLEDovercalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of overcall.
OVERCALL v. in bridge, to outbid.
SUBVOCALLYsubvocally adv. In a subvocal manner.
SUBVOCAL adv. of words formed in speech order in the mind with or without (inaudible) movements of the speech organs.
UNIVOCALLYunivocally adv. In a univocal manner.
UNIVOCAL adv. having only one meaning.
VACILLATORvacillator n. One who vacillates.
VACILLATOR n. one who vacillates.
VORTICALLYvortically adv. In a vortical manner; in terms of, or by means of, a vortex.
VORTICAL adv. like a vortex, whirling, also VORTICOSE, VORTICULAR, VORTIGINOUS.
VORTICELLAvorticella n. Any protozoan of the genus Vorticella.
Vorticella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Vorticellidae – protozoa that are stalked, inverted bell-shaped…
VORTICELLA n. a sessile protozoan of the genus Vorticella, which has a long contractile stalk and a ciliated body shaped like an inverted bell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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