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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2I, T and X

ANTICLIMAXanticlimax n. A failed or reverse climax, particularly…
anti-climax n. Alternative spelling of anticlimax.
ANTICLIMAX n. the usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea.
ANXIOLYTICanxiolytic adj. (Pharmacology) That reduces anxiety; tranquilizing.
anxiolytic n. (Pharmacology) A drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety.
ANXIOLYTIC adj. serving to reduce tension or stress.
AXIOMATICSaxiomatics n. The study of all the axioms associated with a particular subject.
AXIOMATICS n. the study of axioms and axiom systems.
CICATRIXEScicatrixes n. Plural of cicatrix.
CICATRIX n. (Latin) the scar of a healed wound, burn, etc., also CICATRICE.
CIGUATOXINciguatoxin n. (Toxicology) Any of several closely related toxins, having a complex structure including a row of thirteen…
CIGUATOXIN n. a toxin found in seafood.
EXCITATIONexcitation n. The act of exciting or putting in motion; the act of rousing up or awakening.
excitation n. The act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced.
excitation n. (Physiology) The activity produced in an organ, tissue, or part, such as a nerve cell, as a result of stimulation.
EXCITATIVEexcitative adj. That causes excitation.
EXCITATIVE adj. having power to excite.
INTOXICANTintoxicant n. Something which intoxicates; an intoxicating agent.
intoxicant n. Poison.
intoxicant adj. Intoxicating.
INTOXICATEintoxicate v. To stupefy by doping with chemical substances such as alcohol.
intoxicate v. To excite to enthusiasm or madness.
intoxicate adj. (Obsolete) Intoxicated.
LEXICALITYlexicality n. The condition of being lexical.
lexicality n. The degree to which something is lexical.
LEXICALITY n. the quality of belonging to a lexicon.
QUIXOTICALquixotical adj. Quixotic.
QUIXOTICAL adj. extravagantly and romantically chivalrous; idealistic, also QUIXOTIC.
RADIOTOXICradiotoxic adj. Toxic because of its radioactivity.
RADIOTOXIC adj. relating to the toxic effects of radioactivity or radioactive waste.
TAXIDERMICtaxidermic adj. Pertaining to taxidermy.
TAXIDERMIC adj. relating to taxidermy, also TAXIDERMAL.
TOXICATIONtoxication n. (Biochemistry) the metabolism of a drug or other compound to produce a toxic metabolite.
TOXICATION n. the state of being toxic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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