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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, C, F, G, S and T

CATFACINGSCATFACING n. a deformity of fruit, also CATFACE.
CATFISHINGcatfishing v. Present participle of catfish (“to fish for catfish”).
catfishing v. Present participle of catfish (“to create and operate a fake online profile”).
CATFISH v. to create a false identity on social media in order to lure someone into establishing a relationship.
FACTORAGESfactorages n. Plural of factorage.
FACTORAGE n. the fees or commission of a factor.
FACTORINGSfactorings n. Plural of factoring.
FACTORING n. the act of factoring.
FIGHTBACKSfightbacks n. Plural of fightback.
FIGHTBACK n. a recovery.
FLAGSTICKSflagsticks n. Plural of flagstick.
FLAGSTICK n. a pole for displaying a flag, also FLAGPOLE, FLAGSTAFF.
FUGACITIESfugacities n. Plural of fugacity.
FUGACITY n. lack of enduring qualities.
KINGCRAFTSkingcrafts n. Plural of kingcraft.
KINGCRAFT n. (obsolete) the craft of kings; the art of governing as a sovereign.
LIGHTFACESlightfaces n. Plural of lightface.
LIGHTFACE n. a typeface having comparatively light thin lines.
SIEGECRAFTsiegecraft n. The science of besieging; warcraft of sieges.
SIEGECRAFT n. the military art of conducting a siege.
SONGCRAFTSSONGCRAFT n. the art of making songs or verse.
STAGECRAFTstagecraft n. (Uncountable) The skills of the theater.
stagecraft n. (Countable) A specific skill of the theater.
STAGECRAFT n. the effective management of theatrical devices or techniques.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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