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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, C, D and 3S

ACIDNESSESACIDNESS n. acidity; sourness.
CASKSTANDSCASKSTAND n. a stand for casks.
CASSONADEScassonades n. Plural of cassonade.
CASSONADE n. (French) unrefined cane-sugar (imported in casks).
COASSISTEDcoassisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of coassist.
co-assisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-assist.
COASSIST v. to assist jointly.
CROSSBANDScrossbands n. Plural of crossband.
CROSSBAND n. a horizontal bar e.g. across goalposts.
CROSSHEADScrossheads n. Plural of crosshead.
CROSSHEAD n. a beam connecting piston rod to connecting rod.
CROSSROADScrossroads n. Plural of crossroad.
crossroads n. A place where one road crosses another; an intersection of two or more roads.
crossroads n. (By extension) A centrally located position.
DECUSSATESdecussates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decussate.
DECUSSATE v. to divide in the form of an X; to cross or intersect.
DISCUSSANTdiscussant n. Someone involved in a discussion, especially a participant in a formal discussion or who has been assigned…
DISCUSSANT n. one who takes part in a formal symposium.
DYSCRASIASdyscrasias n. Plural of dyscrasia.
DYSCRASIA n. (obsolete) a disordered condition of the body attributed originally to unsuitable mixing of the body fluids or humours.
DYSPHASICSdysphasics n. Plural of dysphasic.
DYSPHASIC n. someone suffering from dysphasia.
ECDYSIASTSecdysiasts n. Plural of ecdysiast.
ECDYSIAST n. a striptease performer.
ECSTASISEDecstasised v. Simple past tense and past participle of ecstasise.
ECSTASISE v. to be ecstatic, also ECSTASIZE.
LASERDISCSlaserdiscs n. Plural of laserdisc.
Laserdiscs n. Plural of Laserdisc.
laser␣discs n. Plural of laser disc.
MISCLASSEDmisclassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misclass.
MISCLASS v. to put in the wrong class.
SACREDNESSsacredness n. The property of being sacred.
SACREDNESS n. the state of being sacred.
SCALDSHIPSSCALDSHIP n. the office of scald, an ancient Scandinavian bard, also SKALDSHIP.
SCINDAPSUSScindapsus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Araceae – found from southeast Asia to Queensland and islands of…
SCINDAPSUS n. any plant of the tropical Asiatic climbing genus Scindapsus, grown as greenhouse or house plants for their leathery heart-shaped variegated leaves.
SUBCLASSEDsubclassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of subclass.
SUBCLASS v. to place in a subdivision of a class.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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