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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, C, D, R, U and Y

ACCURSEDLYaccursedly adv. In an accursed manner.
accursedly adv. (Degree, somewhat dated) Damnably; extremely.
ACCURSED adv. ACCURSE, to make cursed.
AYURVEDICSAYURVEDICS n. the traditional system of Indian medicine.
CHURCHYARDchurchyard n. A patch of land adjoining a church, often used as a graveyard.
church-yard n. Alternative form of churchyard.
CHURCHYARD n. a yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial ground.
COURTYARDScourtyards n. Plural of courtyard.
COURTYARD n. a court or enclosed ground attached to a building, usually a large house.
DEBAUCHERYdebauchery n. Indulgence in sensual pleasures; scandalous activities involving sex, alcohol, or drugs without inhibition.
debauchery n. (Archaic) Seduction from duty.
DEBAUCHERY n. the act of debauching.
DOULOCRACYdoulocracy n. Alternative form of dulocracy.
DOULOCRACY n. a government formed of privileged slaves, also DULOCRACY.
HYDRAULICShydraulics n. The engineering science that deals with practical applications where liquid is in motion and transmits energy.
hydraulics n. The hydraulic system of a vehicle or other machine.
HYDRAULIC v. to excavate and wash out with powerful jets of water.
IRACUNDITYiracundity n. (Rare) anger; irritability.
IRACUNDITY n. the state of being iracund, easily angered.
JUDICATORYjudicatory adj. Pertaining to judgement, or to passing a sentence.
judicatory adj. By which a judgement can be made; decisive, critical.
judicatory n. (Chiefly in Scotland) A court or tribunal.
MYOCARDIUMmyocardium n. (Anatomy, cardiology) The muscular substance of the heart; the middle of the three layers forming the…
MYOCARDIUM n. the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart inclosed between the epicardium and endocardium.
REDUNDANCYredundancy n. The state of being redundant.
redundancy n. A superfluity; something redundant or excessive; a needless repetition in language.
redundancy n. Duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components.
UNDERCLAYSunderclays n. Plural of underclay.
UNDERCLAY n. a stratum of clay lying beneath a coal bed, often containing the roots of coal plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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