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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing A, 2C and 3L

CALCULABLEcalculable adj. Able to be calculated; calculatable.
CALCULABLE adj. that can be calculated.
CALCULABLYcalculably adv. In a calculable manner.
CALCULABLE adv. that can be calculated.
CLAIRCOLLECLAIRCOLLE n. a priming coat consisting of size or glue with whiting, also CLEARCOLE.
CLERICALLYclerically adv. In a clerical manner; as a cleric.
CLERICAL adv. like a cleric.
CLINICALLYclinically adv. In a clinical manner; dispassionately or analytically.
clinically adv. In the setting of a medical clinic; in a clinical setting.
clinically adv. At a person’s bedside.
CYCLICALLYcyclically adv. In a cyclic manner; in cycles; periodically.
CYCLICAL adv. relating to a cycle.
PICCALILLIpiccalilli n. (Britain) A yellow pickle relish made from cauliflower, vegetable marrow, and other vegetables, pickled…
piccalilli n. (US) A pickle, typically on a base of chopped green (unripe) tomatoes, but sometimes finely-chopped…
PICCALILLI n. a mixed-vegetable pickle in a mustard sauce.
SCALPELLICSCALPELLIC adj. of or like a scalpel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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