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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, G, O and U

ACCOUNTINGaccounting v. Present participle of account.
accounting n. (Business) The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions…
accounting n. A relaying of events; justification of actions.
ACCOURAGEDaccouraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of accourage.
ACCOURAGE v. (Spenser) to encourage, also ACCORAGE, ENCOURAGE.
ACCOURAGESaccourages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accourage.
ACCOURAGE v. (Spenser) to encourage, also ACCORAGE, ENCOURAGE.
ACCOURTINGaccourting v. Present participle of accourt.
ACCOURT v. to entertain.
ACCOUTRINGaccoutring v. Present participle of accoutre.
ACCOUTRE v. to dress or equip, esp. a warrior, also ACCOUTER.
CACAFUEGOScacafuegos n. Plural of cacafuego.
CACAFUEGO n. (Spanish) a spitfire, blusterer, also CACAFOGO.
CHUCKWAGONchuckwagon n. Alternative form of chuck wagon.
chuck␣wagon n. (US, historical) A wagon equipped with food and cooking utensils, and used to prepare meals, as on a…
chuck␣wagon n. A sandwich composed of a piece of chicken-fried steak or a breaded beef patty, with typical toppings…
COCURATINGcocurating v. Present participle of cocurate.
COCURATE v. to curate jointly.
OCCUPATINGoccupating v. Present participle of occupate.
OCCUPATE v. to reside in, also OCCUPY.
ZYGOCACTUSzygocactus n. Any cactus in the genus Schlumbergera (previously Zygocactus).
Zygocactus prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Cactaceae – now Schlumbergera.
ZYGOCACTUS n. a genus of Brazilian cactus, aka the Christmas cactus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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