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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, E, M and P

ACCOMPLICEaccomplice n. (Law) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.
accomplice n. (Rare) A cooperator.
ACCOMPLICE n. one associated with another esp. in wrongdoing, also COMPLICE.
COMPACTERScompacters n. Plural of compacter.
COMPACTER n. one who compacts, also COMPACTOR.
COMPACTESTcompactest adj. Superlative form of compact: most compact.
COMPACT adj. closely fitted together.
COMPACTUREcompacture n. (Obsolete) The fact of being closely put together; compact nature or structure.
COMPACTURE n. (Spenser) close union or knitting together.
COMPLACENTcomplacent adj. Uncritically satisfied with oneself or one’s achievements; smug.
complacent adj. Apathetic with regard to an apparent need or problem.
COMPLACENT adj. marked by complacency.
COMPLIANCEcompliance n. An act of complying.
compliance n. (Uncountable) The state of being compliant.
compliance n. (Uncountable) The tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others.
COMPLICATEcomplicate v. (Transitive) To make complex; to modify so as to make something intricate or difficult.
complicate v. (Transitive) To involve in a convoluted matter.
complicate adj. (Obsolete) Intertwined.
CREMOCARPScremocarps n. Plural of cremocarp.
CREMOCARP n. the characteristic fruit of the Umbelliferae.
EMPHRACTICemphractic adj. (Medicine) Having the quality of closing the pores of the skin.
EMPHRACTIC adj. blocking the pores of the skin.
EMPHRACTIC n. a substance that stops the pores of the skin.
IMPECCABLEimpeccable adj. Perfect, without faults, flaws or errors.
impeccable adj. Incapable of wrongdoing or sin; immaculate.
IMPECCABLE adj. faultless, flawless.
IMPECCABLYimpeccably adv. In a perfect or flawless manner.
IMPECCABLE adv. faultless, flawless.
IMPECCANCYimpeccancy n. The quality of being sinless.
IMPECCANCY n. sinlessness.
MEGASCOPICmegascopic adj. Visible to the naked eye.
megascopic adj. (Of a picture, etc.) Enlarged or magnified.
megascopic adj. Of, or pertaining to, the megascope.
RECOMPACTSrecompacts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recompact.
RECOMPACT v. to compact or join anew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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