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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, B, 2O, R and Y

ABIOTROPHYabiotrophy n. (Medicine) Premature degeneration of cells or tissues, especially with genetic causes; loss of function…
ABIOTROPHY n. bodily or mental loss of function or degeneration for reasons unknown.
ABSOLUTORYabsolutory adj. Serving to absolve; absolving; giving absolution.
ABSOLUTORY adj. forgiving or absolving.
BABYPROOFSbabyproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of babyproof.
BABYPROOF v. to render e.g. a room safe for babies.
BODYBOARDSbodyboards n. Plural of bodyboard.
bodyboards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bodyboard.
BODYBOARD v. to ride a surfboard that is shorter and blunter than a standard board, on which the surfer lies rather than stands.
BOTRYOIDALbotryoidal adj. (Chiefly mineralogy) Having the form of a bunch of grapes.
BOTRYOIDAL adj. of minerals, occurring in grape-shaped masses, also BOTRYOID, BOTRYOSE.
COLOURABLYcolourably adv. Alternative form of colorably.
COLOURABLE adv. that can be coloured, also COLORABLE.
HONOURABLYhonourably adv. In an honourable manner.
HONOURABLE adv. worthy of honour, also HONORABLE.
LABORATORYlaboratory n. A room, building or institution equipped for scientific research, experimentation or analysis.
laboratory n. A place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured.
LABORATORY n. a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis, also ELABORATORY.
OBLIGATORYobligatory adj. Imposing obligation, legally, morally, or otherwise; binding; mandatory.
obligatory adj. Requiring a matter or obligation.
OBLIGATORY adj. binding in law or conscience.
PYROPHOBIApyrophobia n. An fear or hatred of fire or flames.
PYROPHOBIA n. fear of fire.
SNOBOCRACYsnobocracy n. Snobs, collectively; snobbish behaviour or attitudes.
SNOBOCRACY n. government by snobs.
STORYBOARDstoryboard n. A series of drawings that lay out the sequence of scenes in a film or series, especially an animated one.
storyboard n. Any sequence of drawings or diagrams which illustrate a sequence of events, e.g. in an accident or as…
storyboard v. To create and arrange storyboard drawings.
STRABOTOMYstrabotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure of cutting or making an incision in a muscle or tendon of the eye to…
STRABOTOMY n. surgical removal of a squint.
URBANOLOGYurbanology n. The branch of sociology that studies the problems of living in cities and towns.
URBANOLOGY n. the study of cities.
YARBOROUGHyarborough n. (Card games) A hand, in bridge or whist, that has no card with a value greater than nine (and no aces)…
Yarborough prop.n. A surname.
Yarborough n. (Bridge) A hand that contains no honors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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