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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, B, M, 2R and T

ARBITRIUMSARBITRIUM n. (Latin) a power of decision.
ARBORETUMSarboretums n. Plural of arboretum.
ARBORETUM n. (Latin) a collection of trees.
BARATHRUMSbarathrums n. Plural of barathrum.
BARATHRUM n. (Latin) an insatiable extortioner or glutton; (historical) a pit in Athens into which condemned criminals were thrown.
BARNSTORMSbarnstorms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barnstorm.
barnstorms n. Plural of barnstorm.
BARNSTORM v. to tour country areas giving theatrical performances.
BAROMETERSbarometers n. Plural of barometer.
BAROMETER n. an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
BAROMETRICbarometric adj. Of or pertaining to atmospheric pressure.
barometric adj. Made or done with a barometer.
BAROMETRIC adj. as measured by a barometer, also BAROMETRICAL.
BAROTRAUMAbarotrauma n. (Pathology) Damage to body tissue caused by a difference in pressure between an air space in or near…
BAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.
BIRTHMARKSbirthmarks n. Plural of birthmark.
BIRTHMARK n. a mark, e.g. a pigmented area or spot, on one's body at birth.
BRAINSTORMbrainstorm v. To investigate something, or solve a problem using brainstorming.
brainstorm v. To participate in a brainstorming session.
brainstorm n. (US) A sudden thought, particularly one that solves a long-standing problem.
BREWMASTERbrewmaster n. A person in charge of beer production at a brewery.
BREWMASTER n. the supervisor of the brewing in a brewery.
DRUMBEATERdrumbeater n. One who beats a drum.
drumbeater n. (Figuratively) A propagandist.
DRUMBEATER n. one who makes drumbeats.
RHUMBATRONRHUMBATRON n. a cavity resonator.
ROBERTSMANRobertsman n. (UK, obsolete) A bold, stout robber, or night thief.
ROBERTSMAN n. (obsolete) a stout robber, also ROBERDSMAN.
TAMBOURERStambourers n. Plural of tambourer.
TAMBOURER n. one who embroiders on a tambour.
TIMBERYARDtimberyard n. Alternative spelling of timber yard.
timber␣yard n. A place where wood is stored, and cut to size.
TIMBERYARD n. a yard where wood is stored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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