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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, L, N and 2R

ABERRANTLYaberrantly adv. In an aberrant manner; abnormally.
ABERRANT adv. wandering or straying.
ANGLEBERRYangleberry n. A warty growth of the skin of cattle.
ANGLEBERRY n. a soft fleshy tumour in horses; a disease of turnips and cabbages, also ANBURY.
BANKERLIERBANKERLY adj. like a banker.
BANKROLLERbankroller n. One who bankrolls; usually an individual who has enough seed capital to launch a venture; one who can…
BANKROLLER n. one who bankrolls.
BARLEYCORNbarleycorn n. A grain of barley.
barleycorn n. (Obsolete) The length of such a grain; a unit of length of approximately one third (or sometimes one…
barleycorn n. (Architecture, woodworking) A small groove between two mouldings.
BARRELLINGbarrelling v. Present participle of barrel.
barrelling n. Alternative form of barreling.
BARREL v. to move fast.
BORDERLANDborderland n. Land near a border; marches.
BORDERLAND n. territory at or near a border.
BURGLARINGburglaring v. Present participle of burglar.
BURGLAR v. to enter a building to steal.
INCURRABLEincurrable adj. That can be incurred.
INCURRABLE adj. that can be incurred.
INFERRABLEinferrable adj. Alternative spelling of inferable.
INFERRABLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERIBLE, INFERRIBLE.
LATERBORNSLATERBORN n. someone born later.
LIBRARIANSlibrarians n. Plural of librarian.
LIBRARIAN n. one who works in a library.
LINERBOARDLINERBOARD n. a thin paperboard used for the flat facings of corrugated containerboard.
LOGANBERRYloganberry n. A hybrid berry, produced by crossing a raspberry with a blackberry, considered a species Rubus loganobaccus…
LOGANBERRY n. a hybrid between a raspberry and a Pacific coast blackberry.
NARRATABLEnarratable adj. Capable of being narrated.
NARRATABLE adj. that can be narrated.
NONLIBRARYnonlibrary adj. Not of or pertaining to a library.
nonlibrary n. A place or institution other than a library.
NONLIBRARY adj. not associated with a library.
NURTURABLEnurturable adj. Able to be nurtured.
NURTURABLE adj. that can be nurtured.
RENDERABLErenderable adj. Capable of being rendered.
renderable n. (Computer graphics) Any object that can be rendered to the display.
RENDERABLE adj. capable of being rendered.
RETURNABLEreturnable adj. Capable of being returned.
returnable n. Something that can be returned.
RETURNABLE adj. that can be returned.
UNCEREBRALuncerebral adj. Not cerebral.
UNCEREBRAL adj. not cerebral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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