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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, B, L, M, P and U

COMPUTABLEcomputable adj. Capable of being computed, or enumerated.
computable adj. (Computing theory) Of a problem, solvable by a Turing machine or any thereto Turing-equivalent model;…
computable adj. (Mathematics) of a number, able to be approximated to arbitrary precision by a computable function.
IMPUGNABLEimpugnable adj. That can be impugned; open to (verbal) attack, open to question.
IMPUGNABLE adj. capable of being impugned.
PERMABULLSpermabulls n. Plural of permabull.
PERMABULL n. an investor who consistently acts in the expectation that the value of stocks and shares will rise.
PERMUTABLEpermutable adj. Able to be permuted.
PERMUTABLE adj. that can be permuted.
PERMUTABLYpermutably adv. Such that it can be permuted.
PERMUTABLE adv. that can be permuted.
PRESUMABLEpresumable adj. Capable of being presumed.
PRESUMABLE adj. to be presumed.
PRESUMABLYpresumably adv. Able to be sensibly presumed.
PRESUMABLE adv. to be presumed.
SUBOPTIMALsuboptimal adj. Worse than optimal.
sub-optimal adj. Alternative form of suboptimal.
SUBOPTIMAL adj. less than optimal.
SUBSAMPLEDsubsampled adj. Divided into subsamples.
SUBSAMPLE v. to create a subsample.
SUBSAMPLESsubsamples n. Plural of subsample.
SUBSAMPLE v. to create a subsample.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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