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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, B, K, L, N and U

BAULKINESSBAULKINESS n. the state of being baulky.
BAULKINGLYbaulkingly adv. Alternative form of balkingly.
BAULKING adv. BAULK, to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
BAULKLINESbaulk␣lines n. Plural of baulk line.
BAULKLINE n. a straight line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game, also BALKLINE.
BULLSNAKESbullsnakes n. Plural of bullsnake.
BULLSNAKE n. an American burrowing snake.
BULWARKINGbulwarking v. Present participle of bulwark.
BULWARK v. to fortify.
LUNCHBREAKlunchbreak n. A period of rest from work for the purpose of eating lunch.
lunch␣break n. Alternative form of lunchbreak.
LUNCHBREAK n. a break for lunch.
UNKILLABLEunkillable adj. Not killable; unable to be killed.
UNKNOWABLEunknowable adj. Not knowable; not able to be known.
unknowable n. Something that cannot be known.
UNKNOWABLE adj. that cannot be known.
UNKNOWABLYunknowably adv. In an unknowable way; ineffably.
UNKNOWABLE adv. that cannot be known.
UNLIKEABLEunlikeable adj. Alternative spelling of unlikable.
UNLIKEABLE adj. not capable of being liked, also UNLIKABLE.
UNLOCKABLEunlockable adj. Not capable of being locked.
unlockable adj. Capable of being unlocked.
unlockable n. (Video games) An initially hidden feature that is made available to reward the player for some achievement.
UNPICKABLEunpickable adj. That cannot be picked.
UNPICKABLE adj. that cannot be picked.
UNSHAKABLEunshakable adj. Not able to be shaken; firm, solid.
unshakable adj. Resolute, unfaltering, unwavering.
unshakable adj. (Figuratively) Having no errors or loopholes; unassailable.
UNSHAKABLYunshakably adv. In an unshakable manner.
UNSHAKABLE adv. that cannot be shaken, also UNSHAKEABLE.
UNSINKABLEunsinkable adj. Of a ship: that cannot be sunk.
unsinkable adj. (Figurative) That cannot be overcome or defeated.
unsinkable adj. A piece of faeces that floats.
UNSLAKABLEunslakable adj. That cannot be slaked.
UNSLAKABLE adj. that cannot be slaked.
UNSMOKABLEunsmokable adj. Impossible or undesirable to smoke.
UNSMOKABLE adj. not capable of being smoked.
UNWORKABLEunworkable adj. Not workable or operable; not practical; unmanageable.
unworkable n. Something that is not workable, or cannot be made to work.
UNWORKABLE adj. not workable.
UNWORKABLYunworkably adv. In an unworkable fashion; not workably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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