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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, B, I, L, U and V

ABSOLUTIVEabsolutive adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the grammatical case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action.
absolutive adj. (Rare) Of, exhibiting, or pertaining to absolution; absolutory, absolving.
absolutive n. (Grammar) The absolutive case, or a phrase that uses it.
BIVALVULARbivalvular adj. Having two valves.
BIVALVULAR adj. having two valves.
CULTIVABLEcultivable adj. Capable of being cultivated or farmed.
CULTIVABLE adj. that can be cultivated, also CULTIVATABLE.
INVALUABLEinvaluable adj. Having great or incalculable value.
invaluable adj. (Obsolete) Not valuable; worthless.
INVALUABLE adj. beyond value.
INVALUABLYinvaluably adv. In an invaluable manner; inestimably.
INVALUABLE adv. beyond value.
OVALBUMINSovalbumins n. Plural of ovalbumin.
OVALBUMIN n. the albumin in egg-whites.
SUBCLAVIANsubclavian adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or denoting an artery or vein which serves the neck and arm on the left or right…
subclavian n. (Anatomy) A subclavian part (such as an artery, vein, or nerve).
SUBCLAVIAN adj. situated or passing under the clavicle.
SURVIVABLEsurvivable adj. Able to be survived.
survivable adj. (Military) Capable of surviving a nuclear strike.
SURVIVABLE adj. resulting in or permitting survival.
UNENVIABLEunenviable adj. Difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant; not to be envied.
UNENVIABLE adj. not enviable.
UNENVIABLYunenviably adv. In an unenviable way.
UNENVIABLE adv. not enviable.
UNLIVEABLEunliveable adj. Alternative spelling of unlivable.
UNLIVEABLE adj. not capable of being lived, also UNLIVABLE.
UNVARIABLEunvariable adj. (Obsolete) Invariable.
UNVARIABLE adj. that cannot be varied, also INVARIABLE.
VESTIBULARvestibular adj. Of or pertaining to a vestibule in a building.
vestibular adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or functioning as a vestibule (body cavity).
vestibular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the vestibule of the inner ear and the perception of body position, balance…
VIBRACULARvibracular adj. Relating to the vibraculum.
VIBRACULAR adj. of or like a vibraculum, one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished, also VIBRACULOID.
VIBRACULUMvibraculum n. (Biology) A long, whiplike, modified zooid on the surface of certain colonies of bryozoa.
VIBRACULUM n. (Latin) one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished.
VOCABULISTvocabulist n. The writer or maker of a vocabulary; a lexicographer.
VOCABULIST n. the writer or maker of a vocabulary; a lexicographer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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