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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, 2I, P and T

BEPAINTINGbepainting v. Present participle of bepaint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
BIOPIRATESbiopirates n. Plural of biopirate.
BIOPIRATE n. one who practises biopiracy.
BIOPLASTICbioplastic n. Any form of synthetic polymer, similar to normal plastic, made from renewable biomass sources such as…
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
BIPARIETALbiparietal adj. (Anatomy) Between the two parietal bones.
BIPARIETAL adj. relating to or connected to both parietal bones.
BIPARTISANbipartisan adj. (Politics) Relating to, or supported by two groups, especially by two political parties.
bi-partisan adj. Alternative spelling of bipartisan.
BIPARTISAN adj. of, relating to, or involving members of two parties.
BIPEDALITYbipedality n. The condition of being bipedal; bipedalism.
BIPEDALITY n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
BIPOLARITYbipolarity n. The state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARITY n. the state of being bipolar.
BITMAPPINGbitmapping n. (Computing) The use of bitmaps.
BITMAP v. to produce a bitmap display.
CAPABILITYcapability n. The power or ability to generate an outcome.
capability n. (Computing) A digital token allowing a user or process to interact in a specified way with an object…
CAPABILITY n. the state of being capable.
DUPABILITYdupability n. The quality of being dupable.
DUPABILITY n. the ability to be duped.
EPIBLASTICepiblastic adj. Of, or relating to the epiblast.
EPIBLASTIC adj. of or relating to, or consisting of, the epiblast.
IMPARTIBLEimpartible adj. Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible.
impartible adj. Capable of being imparted or communicated; impartable.
IMPARTIBLE adj. of a field, that cannot be divided up.
IMPARTIBLYimpartibly adv. So as not to be parted or divided.
IMPARTIBLE adv. of a field, that cannot be divided up.
PARABIOTICparabiotic adj. Relating to parabiosis.
PARABIOTIC adj. relating to parabiosis.
PLIABILITYpliability n. The quality or state of being pliable; flexibility; pliableness.
PLIABILITY n. the state of being pliable.
POTABILITYpotability n. The quality of being potable.
POTABILITY n. the state of being potable.
SITOPHOBIAsitophobia n. (Pathology) A morbid or insane dread of eating. An aversion to food.
SITOPHOBIA n. a morbid aversion to food, also SITIOPHOBIA.
TOXIPHOBIAtoxiphobia n. Alternative form of toxicophobia.
TOXIPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of poisoning, also TOXICOPHOBIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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