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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, B, H, I and 2N

BANISHMENTbanishment n. The act of banishing.
banishment n. The state of being banished, exile.
BANISHMENT n. the act of banishing, or the state of being banished.
BECHANCINGbechancing v. Present participle of bechance.
BECHANCE v. to happen by chance.
BEHINDHANDbehindhand adj. (Archaic, of a person) Late, tardy, overdue, behind (In accomplishing a task, etc.).
behindhand adj. (Archaic, of a task or the object of a task) Not at the expected point of completion.
behindhand adj. (Archaic) Behind (Someone or something moving, a trend, etc.), lagging behind, not keeping up.
BETHANKINGbethanking v. Present participle of bethank.
BETHANK v. to ply with thanks.
BRANCHINGSbranchings n. Plural of branching.
BRANCHING n. the formation of a branch.
BRANCHLINEbranchline n. Rare spelling of branch line.
branch␣line n. (Rail transport) A secondary railroad route or one subsidiary to a railroad’s mainlines.
branch␣line n. (Rail transport) A non-through line which joins a mainline (or another branch or secondary line) and…
BRAUNCHINGbraunching v. Present participle of braunch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
HINDBRAINShindbrains n. Plural of hindbrain.
HINDBRAIN n. the posterior of the three principal divisions of the brain.
HOBNAILINGhobnailing v. Present participle of hobnail.
HOBNAIL v. to furnish with broad headed short nails.
HUSBANDINGhusbanding v. Present participle of husband.
HUSBAND v. to be a thrifty manager.
INHABITANTinhabitant n. Someone or thing who lives in a place.
inhabitant adj. Resident.
INHABITANT n. one that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time.
INHABITINGinhabiting v. Present participle of inhabit.
INHABIT v. to live in.
NALBUPHINEnalbuphine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid antagonist which is very similar to morphine in chemical structure…
NALBUPHINE n. a synthetic narcotic, an analgesic structurally similar to morphine.
NUDIBRANCHnudibranch n. A sea slug belonging to the order Nudibranchia.
NUDIBRANCH n. a member of the Nudibranchiata, sea slugs, also NUDIBRANCHIATE.
SUNBATHINGsunbathing n. The act of lying outdoors exposed to the sun, usually wearing little or no clothing, especially in order to get a tan.
sunbathing v. Present participle of sunbathe.
SUNBATHING n. the act of sunbathing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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