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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, F, O, S and T

BATFOWLERSbatfowlers n. Plural of batfowler.
bat-fowlers n. Plural of bat-fowler.
BATFOWLER n. one who batfowls, catches birds at night by confusing them with light.
BOASTFULLYboastfully adv. In a boastful manner.
BOASTFUL adv. given to boasting.
BROOMSTAFFbroomstaff n. (Obsolete) A broomstick.
BROOMSTAFF n. (archaic) a broomstick.
BUFOTALINSbufotalins n. Plural of bufotalin.
BUFOTALIN n. a poisonous substance in the skin and saliva of a common European toad.
FABULATORSfabulators n. Plural of fabulator.
FABULATOR n. one who fabulates.
FABULOSITYfabulosity n. (Uncountable) Fabulousness; the quality of being fabulous; fictitiousness; mythical character.
fabulosity n. (Obsolete, countable) A fabulous thing; a fable.
FABULOSITY n. fabulousness.
FERRYBOATSferryboats n. Plural of ferryboat.
ferry-boats n. Plural of ferry-boat.
ferry␣boats n. Plural of ferry boat.
FIBROBLASTfibroblast n. A cell found in connective tissue that produces fibers, such as collagen.
FIBROBLAST n. a cell in connective tissue from which connective tissue is formed.
FLOATBASESFLOATBASE n. a place on a river, lake, etc. where float planes dock.
FOOTBOARDSfootboards n. Plural of footboard.
FOOTBOARD n. a support for the feet in a carriage or elsewhere.
FOOTBRAKESfoot␣brakes n. Plural of foot brake.
FOOTBRAKE n. a brake operated by the foot.
FRETBOARDSfretboards n. Plural of fretboard.
FRETBOARD n. a fingerboard with frets on a stringed musical instrument.
OBFUSCATEDobfuscated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obfuscate.
obfuscated adj. Having undergone obfuscation.
obfuscated adj. (Archaic, slang) Drunk.
OBFUSCATESobfuscates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obfuscate.
OBFUSCATE v. to darken, make obscure, confuse.
OFFSETABLEoffsetable adj. Alternative form of offsettable.
OFFSETABLE adj. that can be offset.
SOFTBALLERsoftballer n. A softball player.
SOFTBALLER n. one who plays softball.
TURBOSHAFTturboshaft n. A gas-turbine engine designed to transmit power by means of a geared shaft, used in helicopters and…
TURBOSHAFT n. a kind of gas turbine engine.
UNBOASTFULunboastful adj. Not boastful.
UNBOASTFUL adj. not boastful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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