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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, B, F, N, O and R

BEACHFRONTbeachfront adj. Of property (real estate): located on a beach.
beachfront n. The portion of land or property that runs alongside and facing a beach.
BEACHFRONT n. a strip of land that fronts a beach.
BEFOREHANDbeforehand adv. At an earlier or preceding time.
beforehand adj. (Obsolete) In comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded.
beforehand adj. (Archaic, often followed by with) In a state of anticipation or preoccupation.
BENEFACTORbenefactor n. Somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity.
benefactor n. Someone who performs good or noble deeds.
BENEFACTOR n. one that confers a benefit.
BENZOFURANbenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of bicyclic heterocycles consisting of a benzene ring fused with one of furan.
BENZOFURAN n. a compound found in coal tar.
BRAINFOODSbrainfoods n. Plural of brainfood.
BRAINFOOD n. any foodstuff containing nutrients thought to promote brain function, such as oily fish which is rich in omega-3 oils.
BREAKFRONTbreakfront n. (Chiefly attributive) Any piece of furniture (especially a bookcase or cabinet) that has a central section…
BREAKFRONT n. a kind of cabinet with center beyond ends.
CARBOFURANcarbofuran n. (Chemistry) A highly toxic carbamate pesticide used on field crops.
CONFABULARconfabular adj. Of or pertaining to confabulation.
CONFABULAR adj. relating to confabulation, the fabrication of past experiences, either consciously or unconsciously to make up for loss of memory.
FLORIBUNDAfloribunda n. A rose cultivar, having large sprays of small flowers, made by crossing polyantha and hybrid tea rose varieties.
FLORIBUNDA n. a plant whose flowers grow in clusters.
FORBEARANTforbearant adj. Forbearing.
FORBEARANT adj. (obsolete) forbearing.
FORBEARINGforbearing n. Forbearance; restraint.
forbearing adj. Characterized by patience and indulgence; long-suffering.
forbearing v. Present participle of forbear.
FOREBRAINSforebrains n. Plural of forebrain.
FOREBRAIN n. the anterior region of the embryonic brain.
FORECABINSforecabins n. Plural of forecabin.
FORECABIN n. a cabin in the fore part of a ship.
INFORMABLEINFORMABLE adj. that can be informed.
RIBOFLAVINriboflavin n. (Biochemistry) Yellow or orange-yellow water-soluble compound, a member of the vitamin B complex, that…
RIBOFLAVIN n. a member of vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVINE.
UNFORDABLEunfordable adj. (Of a body of water) unable to be forded.
UNFORDABLE adj. that cannot be forded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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