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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, B, F, I, N and S

BANDFISHESbandfishes n. Plural of bandfish.
BANDFISH n. a bright-red Mediterranean fish, or other ribbon-shaped fish.
BRAINFARTSbrainfarts n. Plural of brainfart.
brain-farts n. Plural of brain-fart.
brain␣farts n. Plural of brain fart.
BRAINFOODSbrainfoods n. Plural of brainfood.
BRAINFOOD n. any foodstuff containing nutrients thought to promote brain function, such as oily fish which is rich in omega-3 oils.
BUFOTALINSbufotalins n. Plural of bufotalin.
BUFOTALIN n. a poisonous substance in the skin and saliva of a common European toad.
FABRICANTSfabricants n. Plural of fabricant.
FABRICANT n. (archaic) a manufacturer.
FABULISINGfabulising v. Present participle of fabulise.
FABULISE v. to write fables, also FABULIZE.
FIREBRANDSfirebrands n. Plural of firebrand.
FIREBRAND n. a flaming stick; a hot-tempered person.
FLABBINESSflabbiness n. The characteristic or quality of being flabby.
FLABBINESS n. the quality of being flabby.
FOREBRAINSforebrains n. Plural of forebrain.
FOREBRAIN n. the anterior region of the embryonic brain.
FORECABINSforecabins n. Plural of forecabin.
FORECABIN n. a cabin in the fore part of a ship.
FREEBASINGfreebasing v. Present participle of freebase.
free␣basing v. Present participle of free base.
FREEBASE v. to refine cocaine by heating it with ether.
INFEASIBLEinfeasible adj. Not feasible.
INFEASIBLE adj. not feasible, also UNFEASIBLE.
UNFEASIBLEunfeasible adj. Infeasible: not feasible.
UNFEASIBLE adj. not feasible, also INFEASIBLE.
UNFEASIBLYunfeasibly adv. In an unfeasible manner; not feasibly; to a degree that is impossible or impractical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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