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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, E, L and 2P

APPEALABLEappealable adj. (Law, of a verdict etc.) That may be appealed, or sent to a higher court for judgement.
appealable adj. (Obsolete) That may be accused or called to answer by appeal.
APPEALABLE adj. capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable.
APPEASABLEappeasable adj. Able to be calmed or pacified.
APPEASABLE adj. capable of being appeased or pacified; placable.
APPLICABLEapplicable adj. Suitable for application, relevant.
APPLICABLE adj. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
APPROVABLEapprovable adj. Able to be confirmed or approved.
APPROVABLE adj. worthy of being approved; meritorious.
BAKEAPPLESbakeapples n. Plural of bakeapple.
BAKEAPPLE n. (Canadian) the fruit of the cloudberry.
CLAPPERBOYCLAPPERBOY n. the person who works the clapperboards.
CRABAPPLEScrabapples n. Plural of crabapple.
crab-apples n. Plural of crab-apple.
crab␣apples n. Plural of crab apple.
IMPALPABLEimpalpable adj. Not able to be perceived by the senses (especially by touch); intangible or insubstantial; not easily…
IMPALPABLE adj. not perceivable by touch.
PALPEBRATEpalpebrate adj. (Zoology) Having eyelids.
PALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PARABLEPSYparablepsy n. False vision.
parablepsy n. (Obsolete) scribal error.
PARABLEPSY n. false vision; oversight, also PARABLEPSIS.
PEPTISABLEPEPTISABLE adj. that can be peptised, also PEPTIZABLE.
PEPTIZABLEpeptizable adj. Able to be peptized.
PEPTIZABLE adj. that can be peptized, also PEPTISABLE.
PREPAYABLEprepayable adj. To be paid, or paid for, in advance.
prepayable adj. Able or capable of being prepaid.
PREPAYABLE adj. that can be prepaid.
PREPUBERALprepuberal adj. Prepubertal.
PREPUBERAL adj. occurring in prepuberty, also PREPUBERTAL.
PROPAGABLEpropagable adj. Capable of being propagated.
PROPAGABLE adj. capable of being propagated.
PROPOSABLEproposable adj. Capable of being proposed.
PROPOSABLE adj. that can be proposed.
RECAPPABLErecappable adj. Capable of being recapped (of a tire: having the worn tread replaced).
recappable adj. Capable of being recapped (sealed again with a cap).
RECAPPABLE adj. that can be recapped.
STRIPPABLEstrippable adj. Suitable for strip-mining.
STRIPPABLE adj. that can be stripped.
SUPPLIABLEsuppliable adj. Capable of being supplied.
SUPPLIABLE adj. that can be supplied.
SUPPOSABLEsupposable adj. Capable of being supposed; imaginable.
SUPPOSABLE adj. capable of being supposed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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