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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, B, E, G and 2T

ABSTERGENTabstergent adj. Cleansing, detergent.
abstergent n. A substance used to cleanse; a detergent.
ABSTERGENT adj. serving to cleanse, detergent.
BASSETTINGbassetting v. Present participle of bassett.
BASSETT v. to outcrop, also BASSET.
BATTELLINGbattelling v. Present participle of battel.
BATTEL v. to have an account for kitchen provisions.
BATTENINGSbattenings n. Plural of battening.
BATTENING n. battens forming a structure.
BATTERINGSbatterings n. Plural of battering.
BATTERING n. a beating involving repeated blows.
BESTRAUGHTbestraught adj. (Obsolete) Distracted; mad, distraught.
BESTRAUGHT adj. (obsolete) out of one's senses; distracted; mad.
BLATTERINGblattering v. Present participle of blatter.
BLATTER v. (Scots) to beat like rain on a window.
EMBATTLINGembattling v. Present participle of embattle.
EMBATTLE v. to fortify against attack.
EXTUBATINGextubating v. Present participle of extubate.
EXTUBATE v. to remove a tube from.
HAGBUTTERShagbutters n. Plural of hagbutter.
HEBETATINGhebetating v. Present participle of hebetate.
HEBETATE v. to make dull or obtuse.
LITTERBAGSlitterbags n. Plural of litterbag.
LITTERBAG n. a bag for litter.
RATTLEBAGSrattlebags n. Plural of rattlebag.
RATTLEBAG n. a rattle or rattling apparatus; a person who causes a commotion.
SUBTANGENTsubtangent n. (Geometry) The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
SUBTANGENT n. the part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
TABLETTINGtabletting n. Alternative form of tableting.
TABLET v. to write on a small flat surface.
TARGETABLEtargetable adj. (Of a missile, etc.) That can be targeted.
TARGETABLE adj. that can be targeted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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