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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, D, 2E and F

BAREFOOTEDbarefooted adj. Wearing nothing on the feet; barefoot.
barefooted adv. Wearing nothing on the feet; barefoot.
bare-footed adj. Alternative form of barefooted.
BEAUTIFIEDbeautified v. Simple past tense and past participle of beautify.
beautified adj. Having been made beautiful.
BEAUTIFY v. to make beautiful.
BEDEAFENEDbedeafened v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedeafen.
BEDEAFEN v. to make deaf.
BEFOREHANDbeforehand adv. At an earlier or preceding time.
beforehand adj. (Obsolete) In comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded.
beforehand adj. (Archaic, often followed by with) In a state of anticipation or preoccupation.
BENEFACTEDbenefacted v. Simple past tense and past participle of benefact.
BENEFACT v. to confer a benefit upon.
BREADKNIFEbreadknife n. Alternative form of bread knife.
bread␣knife n. A knife, with a serrated edge, designed to cut bread; sometimes slots into a breadboard.
BREADKNIFE n. a knife for cutting bread.
BREASTFEEDbreastfeed v. (Transitive, intransitive) To feed (a baby) milk via the breasts; to suckle; to nurse.
breastfeed v. (Chiefly of a baby, intransitive) To nurse, to suck milk from a breast.
breast-feed v. Alternative spelling of breastfeed.
BUFFLEHEADbufflehead n. A duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola.
bufflehead n. (Obsolete) One who has a large head; a heavy, stupid fellow.
BUFFLEHEAD n. one who has a large head; a heavy, stupid fellow.
DEFACEABLEdefaceable adj. Able to be defaced.
DEFACEABLE adj. that can be defaced.
DEFEASIBLEdefeasible adj. (Law, logic) Capable of being defeated, terminated, annulled, voided or invalidated.
DEFEASIBLE adj. that may be annulled.
DEFEASIBLYdefeasibly adv. In a defeasible manner; subject to being defeated or invalidated.
DEFEATABLEdefeatable adj. (Rare) Capable of being defeated.
DEFENDABLEdefendable adj. Capable of being defended.
DEFENDABLE adj. capable of being defended; defensible.
DEFERRABLEdeferrable adj. That can be deferred.
deferrable n. Something that can be deferred.
DEFERRABLE adj. that can be deferred, also DEFERABLE.
DEFORMABLEdeformable adj. Capable of being reshaped.
DEFORMABLE adj. able to be deformed.
DEFRAYABLEdefrayable adj. Capable of being defrayed.
DEFRAYABLE adj. that can be defrayed.
FACEBOOKEDFacebooked v. Simple past tense and past participle of Facebook.
FACEBOOK v. to look for someone's profile on Facebook.
FEATHERBEDfeatherbed n. A mattress stuffed with feathers.
featherbed n. (UK, Dartmoor) A bog covered by a layer of moss, presenting a hazard to walkers.
featherbed v. (Transitive) To treat someone with excessive indulgence; to pamper, cosset or mollycoddle.
FREEBOARDSfreeboards n. Plural of freeboard.
FREEBOARD n. the distance between the waterline and main deck of a ship.
REFUNDABLErefundable adj. Able to be refunded in case of customer dissatisfaction, loss, breakage etc.
refundable n. Something that is eligible to be refunded.
REFUNDABLE adj. that can be refunded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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