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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, 2L and P

APPLICABLEapplicable adj. Suitable for application, relevant.
APPLICABLE adj. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
APPLICABLYapplicably adv. In an applicable manner.
APPLICABLE adv. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
BLACKPOLLSblackpolls n. Plural of blackpoll.
BLACKPOLL n. a warbler of the United States.
COMPLIABLEcompliable adj. Capable of bending or yielding, or willing to do so; compliant.
COMPLIABLE adj. capable of bending or yielding; compliant.
COMPLIABLYCOMPLIABLE adv. capable of bending or yielding; compliant.
DUPLICABLEduplicable adj. Capable of being duplicated.
DUPLICABLE adj. that can be duplicated.
EXCULPABLEexculpable adj. Capable of being exculpated; deserving exculpation.
EXCULPABLE adj. capable of being exculpated.
EXPLICABLEexplicable adj. Able to be explained.
EXPLICABLE adj. that can be explicated.
EXPLICABLYexplicably adv. (Rare) In a way that can be explained.
EXPLICABLE adv. that can be explicated.
IMPLACABLEimplacable adj. Not able to be placated or appeased.
implacable adj. Impossible to prevent or stop; inexorable, unrelenting, unstoppable.
implacable adj. Adamant; immovable.
IMPLACABLYimplacably adv. In an implacable manner.
IMPLACABLE adv. incapable of being placated.
INCULPABLEinculpable adj. Not culpable; immune from liability.
INCULPABLE adj. blameless.
INCULPABLYinculpably adv. In an inculpable way; blamelessly.
INCULPABLE adv. blameless.
LAMPBLACKSlampblacks n. Plural of lampblack.
LAMPBLACK n. a finely divided form of almost pure carbon produced by the incomplete combustion of organic compounds.
PERCOLABLEPERCOLABLE adj. that can be percolated.
PUBLICALLYpublically adv. Rare spelling of publicly.
PUBLIC adv. open to general view.
PUNCHBALLSpunchballs n. Plural of punchball.
PUNCHBALL n. a suspended ball used for boxing practice.
REPLICABLEreplicable adj. That can be replicated.
REPLICABLE adj. capable of replication.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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