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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, G, L and O

BACKLOGGEDbacklogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of backlog.
backlogged adj. Having an excessive list of tasks to do, especially tasks that should have already been performed.
BACKLOG v. to accumulate.
BECLOAKINGbecloaking v. Present participle of becloak.
BECLOAK v. to place a cloak on.
BIOLOGICALbiological adj. Of or relating to biology.
biological adj. Related by consanguinity, especially as to parents and children.
biological adj. (Proscribed, an error in non-native speakers’ English) Organic (grown without agrochemicals).
BLOCKADINGblockading v. Present participle of blockade.
BLOCKADE v. to block with troops or ships.
BOLDFACINGboldfacing v. Present participle of boldface.
BOLDFACE v. to print in thick type.
BRACHYLOGYbrachylogy n. Concise speech; laconism.
brachylogy n. (Rhetoric) Any of several forms of omission of words, including the omission of an understood part of…
BRACHYLOGY n. brevity of diction, abbreviated or condensed expression.
BRICOLAGESbricolages n. Plural of bricolage.
BRICOLAGE n. (French) a construction using whatever comes to hand.
CALLIBOGUSSorry, definition not available.
CLANGBOXESCLANGBOX n. a deflector fitted to a jet engine to divert gas flow.
COAGULABLEcoagulable adj. That can be coagulated.
COAGULABLE adj. capable of being coagulated.
COGNISABLEcognisable adj. Alternative form of cognizable.
COGNISABLE adj. that can be cognised, also COGNIZABLE.
COGNISABLYcognisably adv. Alternative form of cognizably.
COGNISABLE adv. that can be cognised, also COGNIZABLE.
COGNIZABLEcognizable adj. Capable of being known or perceived.
cognizable adj. (Law) Within the jurisdiction of a particular court.
COGNIZABLE adj. that can be cognized, also COGNISABLE.
COGNIZABLYcognizably adv. In a cognizable manner.
COGNIZABLE adv. that can be cognized, also COGNISABLE.
CONGLOBATEconglobate adj. Shaped like or formed into a ball.
conglobate v. (Transitive) To form into a globe or ball.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
CONJUGABLEconjugable adj. Capable of being conjugated.
CONJUGABLE adj. that can be conjugated.
PLOUGHBACKplough␣back v. To reinvest profits into a business.
PLOUGHBACK n. the reinvestment of profits, also PLOWBACK.
SCHOOLBAGSschoolbags n. Plural of schoolbag.
SCHOOLBAG n. a bag for carrying school books.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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