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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2B, E and 2L

ABSOLVABLEabsolvable adj. That may be absolved.
ABSOLVABLE adj. capable of being absolved.
BALLABILESballabiles n. Plural of ballabile.
BALLABILE n. (Italian) a part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet.
BALLBUSTERballbuster n. Alternative form of ball-buster.
ball-buster n. (US, vulgar) Ball-breaker.
BARBELLATEbarbellate adj. (Botany) Having a covering of fine barbs, quills, spines or thorns.
BARBELLATE adj. having short, stiff hairs, often barbed at the point.
BASEBALLERbaseballer n. (Commonwealth) A baseball player; a person who plays baseball.
BASEBALLER n. one who plays baseball.
BASKETBALLbasketball n. (Sports, uncountable) A sport in which two opposing teams of five players strive to put a ball through a hoop.
basketball n. (Countable) The particular kind of ball used in the sport of basketball.
basketball v. To play basketball.
BEACHBALLSbeachballs n. Plural of beachball.
beach␣balls n. Plural of beach ball.
BEACHBALL n. a light ball for playing on a beach.
BELIEVABLEbelievable adj. Capable of being believed; credible.
BELIEVABLE adj. that can be believed.
BELIEVABLYbelievably adv. In a believable way.
believably adv. Used to express the speaker’s assessment of the credibility of a reported statement.
BELIEVABLE adv. that can be believed.
BELLYBANDSbellybands n. Plural of bellyband.
belly-bands n. Plural of belly-band.
belly␣bands n. Plural of belly band.
BELLYBOATSbellyboats n. Plural of bellyboat.
belly␣boats n. Plural of belly boat.
BELLYBOAT n. a water safety device, chiefly used in angling, consisting of a large, circular inflated rubber tube attached around a person's waist.
BLEACHABLEbleachable adj. Capable of being bleached without excessive damage, as articles of laundry.
BLEACHABLE adj. able to be bleached.
BUTTERBALLbutterball n. A round lump of a coagulated fat used in cooking such as butter, margarine, or a spread.
butterball n. (Derogatory) An overweight person.
butterball n. A small North American duck, the bufflehead, Bucephala albeola.
LABELLABLElabellable adj. Alternative spelling of labelable.
LABELLABLE adj. that can be labelled, also LABELABLE.
LANDLUBBERlandlubber n. (Nautical, derogatory) Someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship, especially a novice seaman.
LANDLUBBER n. a seaman's derogatory name for a landsman.
SEMBLABLESsemblables n. Plural of semblable.
SEMBLABLE n. something that is like or similar.
SUBLIMABLEsublimable adj. (Chemistry) Capable of being sublimed or sublimated.
SUBLIMABLE adj. capable of being sublimed or sublimated.
UNBAILABLEunbailable adj. Not bailable.
UNBAILABLE adj. that cannot be bailed.
UNBLAMABLEunblamable adj. Alternative spelling of unblameable.
UNBLAMABLE adj. that cannot be blamed, also UNBLAMEABLE.
UNCLUBABLEunclubable adj. Alternative spelling of unclubbable.
UNCLUBABLE adj. unsociable, not suitable for taking to a club, also UNCLUBBABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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