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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, 2B, C, I and N

BABYCCINOSbabyccinos n. Plural of babyccino.
BABYCCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCINO.
BACKBITINGbackbiting n. The action of slandering a person without that person’s knowledge.
backbiting adj. Slanderous or speaking badly, especially of a person without that person’s knowledge.
backbiting v. Present participle of backbite.
BACKBITTENbackbitten v. Past participle of backbite.
back-bitten v. Past participle of back-bite.
BACKBITE v. to speak ill of.
BARBECUINGbarbecuing v. Present participle of barbecue.
BARBECUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBEQUE.
CLABBERINGclabbering v. Present participle of clabber.
CLABBER v. to curdle, turn sour.
COMBINABLEcombinable adj. Able to be combined.
COMBINABLE adj. able to be combined.
CONFABBINGconfabbing v. Present participle of confab.
CONFAB v. to converse, gossip.
CRABBINESScrabbiness n. The state of being crabby.
CRABBINESS n. the state of being crabby.
RABBINICALrabbinical adj. Of or relating to rabbis, their writings, or their work.
RABBINICAL adj. of or pertaining to the rabbins, also RABBINIC.
SCABBINESSscabbiness n. The property of being scabby, of having or being covered with scabs.
SCABBINESS n. the state of being scabby.
SCRABBLINGscrabbling v. Present participle of scrabble.
scrabbling n. A sound or motion that scrabbles.
SCRABBLING n. the act of groping about frantically.
SUBCABINETsubcabinet adj. Of, being, or pertaining to an administrative level below cabinet level.
subcabinet n. (Politics) A political cabinet dealing with one particular topic, and making up part of a larger cabinet.
SUBCABINET n. a subdivision of a cabinet.
UNBIBLICALunbiblical adj. Not biblical; contrary to biblical teachings.
UNBIBLICAL adj. contrary to or unsanctioned by the Bible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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