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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2B, C, E and S

ABSORBANCEabsorbance n. (Physics) A logarithmic measure of the amount of light that is absorbed when passing through a substance;…
ABSORBANCE n. the ability of a substance to absorb radiation.
ABSORBENCYabsorbency n. (Obsolete) The action of absorbing.
absorbency n. The quality of being absorbent.
absorbency n. (Physics) The ratio of the absorbance or optical density of a substance to that of a similar body of pure solvent.
ASCRIBABLEascribable adj. Able to be ascribed.
ASCRIBABLE adj. capable of being ascribed; attributable.
BABACOOTESbabacootes n. Plural of babacoote.
BABACOOTE n. (Malagasy) a large lemur, the indri or closely related species.
BACKBITERSbackbiters n. Plural of backbiter.
back␣biters n. Plural of back biter, an alternative form of backbiter.
BACKBITER n. one who engages in malicious gossip.
BARBASCOESBARBASCO n. (Spanish) any of a variety of South American plants, the roots of which are used to make fish-poison etc.
BARBECUERSbarbecuers n. Plural of barbecuer.
BARBECUER n. one who barbecues.
BEACHBALLSbeachballs n. Plural of beachball.
beach␣balls n. Plural of beach ball.
BEACHBALL n. a light ball for playing on a beach.
BEACHCOMBSbeachcombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beachcomb.
beachcombs n. Plural of beachcomb.
BEACHCOMB v. to wander along a beach looking for useful objects.
BONEBLACKSboneblacks n. Plural of boneblack.
BONEBLACK n. black residue from the destructive distillation of bones.
CABBAGIESTCABBAGY adj. like a cabbage, also CABBAGEY.
CRABBINESScrabbiness n. The state of being crabby.
CRABBINESS n. the state of being crabby.
SCABBARDEDscabbarded adj. In a scabbard.
scabbarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of scabbard.
SCABBARD v. to sheathe, as a sword.
SCABBINESSscabbiness n. The property of being scabby, of having or being covered with scabs.
SCABBINESS n. the state of being scabby.
SCRABBLERSscrabblers n. Plural of scrabbler.
Scrabblers n. Plural of Scrabbler.
SCRABBLER n. one who scrabbles.
SCRUBBABLEscrubbable adj. Suitable for being scrubbed.
SCRUBBABLE adj. that can be scrubbed.
SUBCABINETsubcabinet adj. Of, being, or pertaining to an administrative level below cabinet level.
subcabinet n. (Politics) A political cabinet dealing with one particular topic, and making up part of a larger cabinet.
SUBCABINET n. a subdivision of a cabinet.
SUBCALIBERsubcaliber adj. Smaller than the caliber of a firearm.
SUBCALIBER adj. of ammunition, having a calibre less than the firearm or barrel used to fire it, also SUBCALIBRE.
SUBCALIBREsubcalibre adj. Alternative form of subcaliber.
SUBCALIBRE adj. of ammunition, having a calibre less than the firearm or barrel used to fire it, also SUBCALIBER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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