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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, 2B, C, E and L

ASCRIBABLEascribable adj. Able to be ascribed.
ASCRIBABLE adj. capable of being ascribed; attributable.
BEACHBALLSbeachballs n. Plural of beachball.
beach␣balls n. Plural of beach ball.
BEACHBALL n. a light ball for playing on a beach.
BLACKBERRYblackberry n. A fruit-bearing shrub of the aggregate species Rubus fruticosus and some hybrids.
blackberry n. The soft fruit borne by this shrub, formed of a black (when ripe) cluster of drupelets.
blackberry n. (UK, dialectal) The blackcurrant.
BLEACHABLEbleachable adj. Capable of being bleached without excessive damage, as articles of laundry.
BLEACHABLE adj. able to be bleached.
BONEBLACKSboneblacks n. Plural of boneblack.
BONEBLACK n. black residue from the destructive distillation of bones.
CLABBERINGclabbering v. Present participle of clabber.
CLABBER v. to curdle, turn sour.
COMBATABLEcombatable adj. (Rare) Able to be combated or opposed.
COMBATABLE adj. able to be combated.
COMBINABLEcombinable adj. Able to be combined.
COMBINABLE adj. able to be combined.
SCRABBLERSscrabblers n. Plural of scrabbler.
Scrabblers n. Plural of Scrabbler.
SCRABBLER n. one who scrabbles.
SCRUBBABLEscrubbable adj. Suitable for being scrubbed.
SCRUBBABLE adj. that can be scrubbed.
SUBCALIBERsubcaliber adj. Smaller than the caliber of a firearm.
SUBCALIBER adj. of ammunition, having a calibre less than the firearm or barrel used to fire it, also SUBCALIBRE.
SUBCALIBREsubcalibre adj. Alternative form of subcaliber.
SUBCALIBRE adj. of ammunition, having a calibre less than the firearm or barrel used to fire it, also SUBCALIBER.
UNCLUBABLEunclubable adj. Alternative spelling of unclubbable.
UNCLUBABLE adj. unsociable, not suitable for taking to a club, also UNCLUBBABLE.
UNCURBABLEuncurbable adj. Incapable of being curbed.
UNCURBABLE adj. not capable of being curbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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